40: erased

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Taehyung sat there hoping it didn't really happen. He hoped Jungkook's eyes would glow again and hold him, saying not to cry. but he didn't. Jungkook did not move. He did not look at him, he did nothing. Jungkook was here in his hand. the card..... the card that contained all of Jungkook's memories and feelings. 

'Promise me you Destroy the card' he could hear Jungkook's words in his head reminding him of it. Taehyung cried even more and rubbed his eyes to clear his vision. the card got wet from the teardrops falling onto it. Slowly on his shaky legs he stood up walking to the kitchen. He promised Jungkook he would destroy it. So he will do it. The boy opened the drawer in his kitchen and took out a pair of scissors. He held the card between the blades. He shut his eyes to cut it but his fingers wouldn't move.

"i-i can't do this!" he shouted and turned to the empty shell on the chair. the shell that held him so dearly earlier this morning but was now nothing more than scrap to be dumped. "Why did you have to go! I don't want this, I don't want to destroy you, I don't want to say goodbye completely" Taehyung shouted at the dead android. "stupid robot!" he then cut the card in two pieces. The pain in his heart got stronger watching the card that contained all jungkook's memories and thoughts broken in two on the counter. all the traces of jungkook's life were now gone.

"I hate you for making me do this" Taehyung said softly and slumped down to his knees crying alone in the kitchen. This time there was no one to hold him, no one to comfort him, no one to assure him everything will be okay.


"Jimin-" Yoongi said, seeing his boyfriend head to the door. "where are you going?"

"My friend needs me"

"you mean taehyung?" Yoongi said a bit confused.

"yes taehyung. Jungkook is gone"

"gone, what do you mean?"

"I walked by to visit them but I overheard and peeked inside. h shut down Jungkook. So I'm going to him now" jimin said, throwing his bag over his shoulder. He rushed home to get something before going to taehyung.

"I see....can you...can you tell him im sorry"

"sorry for what?" Jimin asked, raising a brow and glare a bit at his boyfriend.

"For trying to get Jungkook's card, and I'm sorry to you too jimin. please"

"I will forgive you once you show me how much you are sorry, now i got to go"

"I will show you, I will!" Yoongi said after Jimin who walked away. He didn't want to lose to Jimin, who was still angry at him.

Jimin was running through the city, his feet jumping from roof to roof. He didn't run over the ground. Well he had to now because the buildings stopped. so he jumped down his light elven body hit the ground without any damage. and he was about to continue when he saw suddenly face to face with an officer.

"ah-" The taller man pinned him against the wall, the officer had dark hair. jimin recognized him, he always did. It was his favorite cop.

"look who we have here, Park Jimin"

"I see you got some confidence, Officer Jung," Jimin said, giving the officer a seductive look and shamelessly checking him out.

"Well what can i say, i have a good day. finally catching the trouble maker"

"I haven't stolen anything but your heart, it seems," Jimin said with a smirk. hoseok seemed a bit flustered by that but wasn't going to give in to the elven's words. even if he did have a big fat crush on Jimin. He has gotten many chances to catch the boy but each time he lets him run. He just couldn't do it. He liked Jimin and the elf would just walk away right out of hoseok's sight if the boy wanted to.

"How cute of you '' Hoseok said. He was a very kind officer but Jimin made him a different man. or flustered and a mess or like now confident in what he wants. "i think i need to feel if you haven't got any weapons on you"

"oh, go ahead and use your hands, officer" jimin chuckled and wiggled his hips as his hands were pinned to the wall. The taller man placed his hands on Jimin's shoulders moving them and going down over the elven's waist to his hips. Jimin clearly was enjoying this and grinned looking at the man

He wasn't going to deny he had a thing for Hoseok as well. The officer was just too sexy to not fall for.

"I think you missed a spot," Jimin said. the officer raised a brow. Jimin grabbed Hoseok's hand and put it between his legs with a smirk. "right there. I need a thorough inspection....." Jimin said, leaning his face VERY close to hoseok's. The officer was a bit stunned by the closeness and gulped, staring at Jimin's plump lips. "...next time" Jimin stepped back and giggled a bit.

"ah-" hoseok wanted to stop the boy but jimin was already gone. again hoseok let him go. but what could he do. he was in love. He can't arrest someone he loves. and definitely not Jimin who knew how to play with him. Hoseok knew that but he also knew that Jimin did have some feelings back for him. if he didnt then Hoseok wouldn't let jimin play him and tease him like that. "this elf" Hoseok chuckled and looked at his pants. "oh fucking hell, not now" he sighed seeing he was getting a bit too excited just now.


"stupid kookie, stupid stupid" taehyung said he haf thrown away the card and was now in the kitchen. he dint want to go to the livingroom to see Jungkook's shell there. he had called his father that it was done who said he did the right thing and was gonna send someone to pick up the android's body. so he was waiting for that now.

*ding dong*

It was the doorbell. Taehyung stood up and wiped his snotty nose before opening the door. He expected those men his father sent to be there but it wasn't them, it was Jimin. Taehyung was surprised to see him here and his eyes widened.


"hey tae" jimin smiled walking inside when Taehyung stepped aside. The silver haired closed the door behind his friend and jumped in a hug crying. "i know what happened, you don't have to say it.'' Jimin said holding his friend.

"i-i'm happy you're here" Taehyung said between a sob. he really needed this. He needed someone to hold him and let him cry in his arms. and That someone was Jimin. who somehow always seemed to be there when the boy needed him the most.

But that wasnt the only visitor. the door rang again and this time jimin opened. taehyung noticed their uniform, it were men of his father. they let them enter and the three men walked to the android on the chair and lifting him up.

"wait!" Taehyung said and they waited putting the android down again. taehyung pushed them aside slightly kneeling in front of what once was his lover. he gave him one last kiss one the now cold frozen lips. "i love you....goodbye" he whispered, he knew he cant be heard by jungkook anymore but it felt good to have said his goodbye before everything was taken away. Taehyung stepped back letting the men take the robot with them. they threw him in the back which hurted Taehyung to see the not handling it with much care like Taehyung did. but jungkook was now no more than just an object without life or feelings. it was just material in the shape of a human. "uhm excuse me" taehuyng said stopping one of them before tey could enter theuir van again.


"what will happen to him now?"

"well. we will take him to Mr. Kim he requested the body to be taken to him directly."

"oh...okay" Taehyung nodded. he will just call his father then and ask him about it. if they were going to throw him away. maybe he wanted to keep something from it? like a souvenir and reminded that jungkook was here once.


third update aweee. i will see you in the next update!


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