30: kept

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Taehyung wasn't comfortable. He moved himself to a comfortable position and noticed his arm was hurting, it was trapped under his weight. annoyed he opened his eyes and immediately shut them again covering them with his hands.

"Holy crap that's bright" he said after almost getting blinded by the bright white light in the room. He tried again carefully and it took him a while to get used to the bright room. but eventually he could see around without squinting his eyes too much, and it made him frown. He didn't recognize this place at all.

"Where am i?" he asked himself softly as he sat up and looked around. it was a rather small room maybe five by five? not too big. the walls and corners were painted with a white color, the floor had different kinds of lines. Taehyung thinks something was hidden under it and these were just their outlines.

"It's so bright," he said again as he looked up, seeing the bright lights on the ceiling.

"you're awake," a voice said. Taehyung was startled by the sudden voice and turned his head. He was on one of the walls, a big black screen slowly going transparent and a man standing behind the glass. his eyes serious and hands folded behind his back.

"Who are you?" taehyung asked.

"i am Mr. Han. probably you never heard of me, but you don't need to. because i already know a lot about you now" the man chuckled and looked at the boy in the room standing up. Taehyung walked closer to the window, not too much but just enough to see the man in detail. he noticed he recognized the outfit....wait....Oh my god!"

taehyung's eyes widened and he took a step back. Suddenly the incident with those unknown men came back to his mind. the man started to grin seeing the boy's sudden reaction.

"I see you remember"

"w-what do you want from me? Why am I here? where is Jungkook?" Taehyung asked. the man's smile faded to a more serious look.

"Well little boy, you have something I want, well not only me, but a lot of others as well. but i am the only one that is gonna take it from you" Han said and looked at the boy in the white room. "so, tell me where it is''

"where is what?" taehyung asked, he had no idea what the man was talking about.

"the chip! dnt get all dumb with me" the man said getting annoyed. he wanted dot have his thing already.

"i really don't know what you're talking about!" Taehyung said back loudly. the man scoffed and pressed a button next to the window. Suddenly the door in taehyung's room opened and two men walked inside. one held a long stick. immediately fear grew inside the boy and he backed away into the corner. Han grinned behind the glass and watched the scene unfold.

"I will get you to talk, just you wait. i will get what i fucking want, ne way or the other"

Taehyung looked at the man closing in on him and he took off running from them. they ran after him. He began banging onto the door. He knew it would be pointless but he still tried. Suddenly a man grabbed his hair and yanked him back followed by a painful hit in his side by the metal stick.

"ah!" he curled up feeling another on his back. "stop! stop!"

"tell me where it is Taehyung" Han's voice was heard.

"i d-don't know what youre talking about!" Taehyung shouted. He felt the metal stick hit him more times and he started crying from the pain. "please stop, it hurts!"

"It should hurt," Han said sounding really annoyed there was a hiss in his voice which made Taehyung feel even more scared.

The silver haired held the man's arm to stop him from hitting him and bit his hand. the man screamed in pain and Taehyung wiped his teeth where the taste of iron was. the man's hands had bleeding bite marks. Taehyung wasn't strong but he could try. The two men got angry and raised their metal bats swinging it at the boy. Taehyung yelped in pain when one hit his shoulder. He managed to block the other with his arms. it still hurt but he was glad it didn't hit his head.

"please stop, i don't know!"

"The chip, where is it?! we know you have it! your stupid father kim injected it inside of you" Han shouted through the speakers. the man watched how his guards grabbed the boy holding him tightly in their grip.

"i-i don't know," Taehyung said, feeling tears on his cheeks.

"are you fucking kidding me" Han whispered and rubbed his temples. These things were not good for his health. He already felt it rising inside of him so he reached for the bottle in his pocket and gulped away one of the pills with his water before going back to the window.

"Get the robot" he ordered his men. one nodded and walked away from Taehyung and the other guard to the door that slid open.

Taehyung was crying in the man's painful twisted hold. well that was until he saw a familiar pair of feet. He looked up and almost gasped when he saw Jungkook stand in front of him.

well....he looked like Jungkook but it wasn't him now, his eyes were red and not blue. this was something else. something Taehyung really feared. He hated that something dangerous was inside the one he loved and that was always caring for him.

"1192.J.K find me the location of the chip" Han said through the speakers and then the guards let go of the boy walking away.

taehyung fell to his knees and wiped his tears away. feeling the heavy gaze of the android on him. He heard a click and saw the android move. Taehyung noticed the different walk and didn't hesitate to jump back on his feet and walk away from the robot he couldn't see the jungkook he loves in.

"J-jungkook" he said, hoping the other would come back soon. He doesn't want this. Seeing the android run towards him made him gasp and run away as well. but he couldn't outrun the other and felt a hand grab his arm pulling him towards a hard body.

"Jungkook stop!" he said, he got pushed against the wall and he groaned, hitting his head again. He felt a strong hand trace over his head to his neck and pushed inside his flesh painfully. "ahh stop stop!" he said fearing he would rip his skin. luckily the android suddenly let go of his neck and dropped him to the floor walking away.

"Good work, come back to me," Han said and Taehyung looked at Jungkook's figure leave the room.

"See you have it, don't try to tell me otherwise kid" the man said. Jungkook s figure walked up to the man and stood at his side. the sight that crushed Taehyung's heart. He had dreamed about this. He had seen Jungkook on their side. He had seen the android would turn against him. He tried so hard to not believe uit. but it seems his dreams were just things waiting to come true.

"jungkook...." he said softly and teared up looking into the pair of red eyes that once were blue and looked back at him so lovingly.


thank you for reading see you in the next chapter!


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