2: Dr.Kim

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"Im glad you came!" Taehyung said and let his boyfriend inside. Jungkook's eyes focussed on the blonde that entered, his blue eyes moving as it cautiously scanned the other.

"hey Jungkook" jisung said smiling. Jungkook just gave him a nod and went to the kitchen. He always felt a bit of a pain in his partly human heart when he watched him and taehyung together. But he wasnt in a place to say something. Taehyung deserved to be happy and if this makes him happy then thats okay. Jungkook was okay. He was here to protect the younger and thats what he will do, no matter what.

"Jungkook i want to go walk with Jisung outside, okay?"

"stay in the street" Jungkook said. Taehyung had a connection that came from the chip his father put inside him. Jungkook managed to connect it to himself so when taehyung was within a range he was able to know where he was. "you dont need to ask anymore" he added. 

"i know i will" taehyung smiled. it was still a habit of his younger years to as before leaving the house on his own. But he was 19 now he wasnt a child anymore, he could go if he wanted. but the rule they both made is to not go too far away. because if then something happened Jungkook couldnt be there in time, taehyung knew the that there was some kind of danger, even if no one wanted to tell him exactly what it was so he decided that the best thing was to listen to jungkook and not go too far.

"Im glad you came visit me" Taehyung said when  he and Jisung walked outside.

"of course, how could i not"

"Maybe you forgot, you said you were busy yesterday."

"i am, but i made time for you" Jisung smiled and put and arm around taehyung's shoulders. 

"busy with what actually? you dont work at that store anymore right?"

"No i dont, i found something new"

"ooh what is it?"

"i cant tell you, but its a good paying job. i can buy you presents"

"you make me really curious now"

"that was my intention." jisung chuckled. suddenly his phone rang, he grabbed it and looked at the caller before pressing it away to voicemail.

"who was that?"

"no one special, now lets go that way" jisung said putting his phone away and move a other direction while pointing.

"oh okay"


At home jungkook was emptying the dishwasher while thinking. in his head he was following Taehyung's dot making sure he wont go too far or go to shady places like alleyways. That is just a call for trouble these days. There was lot of crime lately and the police had it busy. 

"were back!" he heard taehyung and the Android turned around walking to the living room. he saw Taehyung take off his shoes and Jisung stood still outside doing something on his phone. Jungkook squinted his eyes.

he didnt trust Jisung. Not because he was feeling slightly jealous of him being taehyung's boyfriend. but something bothered him. Jisung was once a bully and that made Jungkook wary of him, he didnt want taehyung to get hurt by him because the silver haired boy seemed to like him a lot. But Jisung didnt seem sincere in Jungkook's eyes. but when he would say something about it Taehyung would get angry.

"Welcome back" Jungkook said greeting the two. He smiled at Taehyung and his smile faded when Jisung passed by. Jisung kept an eye on jungkook as they sat on the couch noticing the way the robot watched him.

"Tae, dont forget we are visiting Dr.Kim" jungkook reminded the boy. 

"just say Ryung, dr is so formal"

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