Chapter Fifty Five + Unedited

Start from the beginning

He watched you closely at the next second, scanning your face for a flicker of something - anything - that would tell him that you're uncomfortable in this new development between the two of you. But he found no such flicker.

"Y/N", Jungwon said quietly from beside you and you turned to finally face him. Silently he gestured towards a door and with a quiet sigh, you let him pull you to your feet and out of the room.

He led the way to the room you will be sharing with his mom and you headed straight for one of the beds, kicking off your shoes and sit crosslegged at the edge. You watched as Jungwon shut the door before gesturing for him to join you. He did so with a very little hesitation and you grabbed one of the pillows to make a space for the two of you in between.

Your lips curved into an utterly confident grin and he knew that out of all the boys, you were the most comfortable in his side. "So, Jungwon, spill it. Why do you want to leave there?"

"They were all going to tease us after they're done fussing with my mom", he said with a shrug, leaning back on his arms and watching you through his lidded gaze. "You should know how elders liked to talk about marriage and all at this early age"

"Stop right there!", you whacked him with a pillow and he caught it with a laugh, "You're talking like whatever you have to say wouldn't scare me. For my dad's sake, let's us take it slow"

"That's not what he was saying to me when I asked him to bring you here", he said casually, and before you could stop it, you narrowed your eyes at him. "I'm glad to say that he's so happy at your mom's change of mind"

You scoffed, glancing away from him only to look back when he reached out to ruffle your hair that's been getting long. "Stop it"

"Tie it up then", Jungwon shot back before tossing the pillow to your lap. "To be honest, I'm going to miss you once we're back at School"

"How on earth are you going to miss me when we always see each other at the house?"

"What if my fantasy would be over once the older boys is back on the game?", he announced as if it was feasible. "Once we're back at school in Monday, so is our reality"

You said nothing for several seconds and wore a very blank expression, but it softens when you started to speak, "Don't say things like that, Jungwon"

"Why?", he asks as he rose to his knees, leaning towards you and you watched his approach with steady eyes. "Can you really promise me that you're not going for Heeseung hyung again?"

The sensation of the conversation suddenly getting serious had made you scared you a bit that you pushed him the shoulder and you shrieked when Jungwon responded in a heartbeat by wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you after him. His back hit the foam of the bed, bringing you with him and no matter how many times you smacked his chest, he wouldn't let up.

"Let me go", you protested, trying your best to wriggle out of his arms while looking in alarm at the open door. "If your mom caught us in this position"

"So what?"

You shifted against him, pointedly bringing your knee towards his stomach. "If you don't, I'll kick you where the sun doesn't shine"

He let you go quickly, flopping back in annoyance. Even still, that stupied smile doesn't leave his lips as he says, "You always get so serious quickly like we didn't know how crazy you are for me"

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