Chapter 21 - Big Macs and Pringles

Start from the beginning

“Move on? Are you like a ghost with unfinished business?”

“No. Spirits, if they chose, can watch over the world, but they cannot interact or be seen by anyone, accept those who have a connection to the other side. A Nix is a spiritual being, that is how you can see me and speak to me now, but I’m afraid if anyone was to see us conversing you would be considered quite mad.”

“Great.” I said a little sarcastically, looking around for anyone who may be able to see us. Which of course was pointless considered I was in the woods at night. “Hey, am I immortal? I mean I read that Nix’s were and Peter never really gave me an answer.”

“Only if the Nix controls you. It is the evil and emotionless side of you that has been cursed with immortality. So long as you remain true to yourself you will age just as your friends, although…”

“Better?” I asked with a grin.

“Yes, much.” He nodded and I couldn’t top a little, and I will admit slightly diabolical, chuckle. “A Nix cannot love, Annabelle.” He said, using my full name that no one had used since before I reached double digits. “So long as you hold onto that you will hold onto yourself.”

“I love my friends.” I stated in confusion.

“More than friendship or family ties. Someone who is your equal and your match, someone who can pull who back more easily than Scott can with the bond.”

“Who? And no offense, but you kind of sound a little cliché.”

“I cannot tell you, child.” He said ignoring my statement.

“It would make the whole process easier if you did.”

He walked up to me and placed a kiss on my forehead, “You have my love, Annabelle, for you are a daughter of mine and I wish you all the best.” I squeezed my eyes shut and when I opened them again he was gone.

With a sigh a slowly walked out of the woods and then stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of Parrish standing next to my car. He turned and saw me.

“Anna? What the hell are you doing?”

“Midnight stroll?” I explained poorly. “What are you doing?”

“I just got off work. I was driving home when I saw your car and noticed you weren’t anywhere near it. Now what exactly are you doing and please don’t say going for a walk again, because you weren’t.”

“You don’t know that.” I said with a smile, trying to somehow get myself out of this. It would be so much easier if he knew everything. Especially considering he always seemed to be the person to catch me doing things I shouldn’t be doing. The curse of a small town and knowing everyone in the station.

“Anna, it’s almost midnight and there’s a serial killer somewhere in the town. You shouldn’t be out alone.”

“I couldn’t sleep and I’ve had self-defence classes.” Technically true, right?

“You know when I can’t sleep I usually drink tea and watch something on the discovery channel. And if you wanted to go for a walk why drive here and why not bring your dog?”

“I wanted to go for a walk on the trail and then get a Big Mac.”

“The trail is another mile down the road and McDonalds a mile and a half.”

And this kids is why we don’t lie to smart police officers… unless you’ve rehearsed and have everything worked out.

“I saw a kitten cross the road and run into the woods, I didn’t want it to get hurt.”

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