The "Real" Hikari Part 2

Start from the beginning

The man and the gun fell full force onto the ground with a groan before Hikari jumped down as well, standing over them with a sick smirk. "Well well well, what do we have here?"

Hawks' eyes couldn't help but widen at the motion, wondering what he just saw. That move, it was so calculating and precise, almost like it was rehearsed.

Hikari came at that table with full force and if Dabi hadn't moved out of the way in time, they would've rammed into each other for sure, but they didn't.

It was strange, as if with some kind of random number the villain alrighty knew exactly what she was talking about, like he knew which direction she was coming from just from that one word.

Then a sudden realization crossed his face without permission. Dabi said they knew each other, that they went way back. Maybe this was something they taught each other?

Like some kind of secret code of some sort.

But that didn't make sense, Hawks had known Dabi for months and if he knew one thing, it was that the villain wasn't a trustworthy person. He wouldn't trust a random person's judgement like that, it was out of his character.

Were the two really that close, close enough for him to trust her in a fight?

Dabi didn't even trust Hawks in a fight yet, and they knew each other for months.

The very thought seemed impossible given what he knew about the villain and if Hawks hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would've called you crazy for even suggesting it.

But now he wasn't so sure.

Hikari on the other hand, watched as the attacker wiggled on the ground before seeing the gun in the distance and using his body to reach for it without a second thought as the girl's heeled boot pushed itself into his back, causing him to freeze.

Her voice was mocking and cruel, eyeing the struggling man with intent. "You didn't forget I was here, did you?"

Gritting his teeth in fury, the man reached his hand out even further, his fingers just barely gracing the tip of the gun as Hikari hummed in interest, slowly removing her hold before stepping around to the other side slowly. "Oh, I see. You're a fighter, aren't you? What are you going to do now, shoot me?"

The gun started to slide into the villain's hand a second later, his gritted teeth cursing at the blonde haired mystery girl. "You bitch, I'm gonna make you regret that. I'll make you a quirkless nobody, and then I'll kill your ugly little villain boyfriend.."

Although, Hikari didn't seem intimated in the slightest, taking in his words before the two locked eyes, the thug just now noticing her crazed aura. "I see, but there is just one problem with your little plan.."

Not understanding, he watched as the blonde haired girl stopped right behind his outstretched hand before smirking. "You can't shoot me if you don't have any arms.."

Widening his eyes in realization, the attacker didn't have time to react as Hikari's smile melted away a moment later before her heeled boot stomped down on his outstretched hand, so much so that a sickening crack was overheard throughout the space.

A loud scream echoed through the room as the man held his arm by his side, wiggling on the ground in extreme agony before Hikari leaned down and grabbed his shirt, forcing him to meet her eyes.

And what he saw there was a mix of concept and cynical enjoyment, her words causing him to shake immediately as she played with her prey. "Let me give you some advice before you pass out from blood loss.."

Lowering her expression, the scared man then watched as Hikari made her way over to his ear, whispering with playful malice. "You threaten Dabi, you threaten me, understand? And I don't take lightly to anyone that threatens me."

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