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I stood as Jimin put a bulletproof vest on me, it was heavier than I expected it to be and had me second guessing if I should really be going with them. It was clearly dangerous, but I couldn't sit back doing nothing with everyone while they would be out there risking their lives for my best friend.

"You don't have to do this baby girl" Jimin said as he fastened the straps securely around my body

"Jimin, I'm going-stop trying to convince me to stay here because it's not happening" He sighed and shrugged before walking away. Hoseok called me over to him

"Zuri, listen to me very closely, at no point are you to ever leave the van. Ever. Two, don't touch anything, and three, stay close to me at all times. If anything goes left you stick to me like white on rice, got it?"

"I got it" I gulped. I never seen him so serious before, it was really putting things into perspective for me-I knew it was dangerous but if Hoseok won't even smile through it, it must be serious. He simply nodded and began packing up some of his equipment as I stood by idly.

Before we left, Taehyung gathered everyone for one last review. "Is everyone good on the plan?" The all nodded and grumbled affirmatively "Good, let's go"

Everyone broke away and started filing out of the room, Tae grabbed my arm to hold me back, allowing the room to go empty before speaking up. He turned me to face him and for the first time since I've known him, I saw fear in his eyes.

"Be careful and listen to whatever Hoseok says"

"I will" I cupped his beautiful face in my hands and laid a firm kiss on his lips, "I love you"

"I love you too Dumpling," he whispered over my lips, a tight hold on my waist. One more peck and he released my body and took my right hand in his left and led me out of the room. As we were walking out three guys I never saw before were coming in

"Who are they?" I asked, looking back as they all acknowledged Tae and I

"Cleaning service. Thanks to them we were never here, come on" I nodded. Once outside he made sure I was in the back of the van with Hobi, another unfamiliar face occupied the driver's seat.

"Hobi, who are these guys?" I questioned in a hushed whisper, trying not to be suspicious

"Don't worry baby girl, they're cool. The guys and I are V's main crew but there are so many more of us. That's Beomgyu"

"Nice to meet you Zuri, no need to be wary of me. I am loyal to V. He'd send my head to my family's front doorstep if I ever thought about crossing him, I don't want to think about what he would do if I let something happen to you" He laughed while rubbing his neck protectively.

"I don't want to think about it either," I frowned. Both men laughed then two taps on the back door signaled we were ready to go

We arrived at the rendezvous point sooner than I expected, I was in my head the entire ride wondering how all of this was going to play out. The van came to a complete stop then Beomgyu jumped out and came to the back. He grabbed two handguns, concealing them in his jacket and another, bigger gun and what I'm sure was ammo for it. Hoseok made sure his earpiece was working before he closed the doors, leaving us behind.

Those going in were huddled up, re-checking their equipment, we could hear them through the earpieces everyone was wearing and could see some visuals from those wearing night vision goggles and body cameras.

"Let's move out" Jungkook's voice was quiet, I watched on the screen with heightened anxiety. They moved stealthily and silent, I found myself holding my breath as I was out there with them.

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