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Kita and I sat on my sofa surrounded by takeout containers and empty wine bottles.

"Are you going to tell me why you're in a funky mood if you and Taehyung didn't break up? You're acting like you just got your heart stomped on"

I wanted to answer her but the reason behind my sour attitude didn't feel real. I know what Taehyung told me and I think I believed it but I still doubted his words. How is possible that my boyfriend is V? How is it possible that the man I've heard terrible things about is the same person as Taehyung, who is sweet, funny and tolerant. I can't wrap my mind around the Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde thing he's got going on.

"Hellooooo" Kita snapped her fingers

"Sorry, what?" I asked, giving her my attention.

"You're not okay and won't tell me why, we've been eating crap and drinking for the last two days. What's up? And don't lie"

"I found out something about Taehyung"

"What did you find out and how?" She quizzed with one raised eyebrow

"He told me himself. He told me who he really is"

"Girl stop being cryptic and spit it out. I'm still wine drunk"

"He told me that he's V"

"V who?" I deadpanned

"V, the V."

"Yeah right" she snorted before breaking out in a hearty laugh with her head thrown back and clutching her sides

"I'm serious!" It took Kita a while to calm down but she eventually did "He really told me that"

"And you believed him? Come on Zuri you have to admit that sounds ridiculous. If he really is V why hide that? Why not tell you the up front?"

"I don't want to believe him either. We got into a big fight about it and I've never seen him so adamant about something. Kita I know it sounds crazy but I think I have to believe him"

Kita's lips frowned slightly when she noticed I was serious, no hint of joking in my voice or on my face.

"Shit, you think he's really him?" I nodded, resting my head on my fist "Wow"

"Yep" I let it pop on the p "I told him that I didn't want to see him for a few days so I could sort out my emotions and thoughts. That was three days ago"

"Damn so y'all haven't talked at all for three whole days?" Knowing that we talk every single day I could tell she was shocked to know it's been over 72 hours since I last communicated with him. Didn't stop him from texting me though.

"Yeah, he's been texting me though. It's not so much that I want to avoid him I don't know what to say to him. I mean where do we go from here? He asked me to move to the city with him"

"What! What did you say?"

"I just told him I'd think about it. I'm so fucking confused" I groaned. I was still as confused and shocked as I as the night he told me, I didn't know what to do

"Zuri, you need to talk to him, you cannot avoid him forever if you're not going to break up with him. You need to meet with him and have a serious discussion before he leaves"

I knew she was right but it was easier to just ignore Taehyung for now. I didn't even know what to say.

"I know but-"

"But nothing, call him or I'll do it for you. I know you're upset with him and you're absolutely right to be but don't be stupid, just talk to the man" he tossed my phone in my lap. I let out a dramatic sigh and picked up my phone to see several unread text messages from Taehyung from the last three days.

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