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Taehyung and I ended up in the library talking for hours, getting to know each other. He was smart, artistic and unique. He was also as sweet as sugar but I could also tell that when he got angry he was another type of beast and I hoped to never to see him mad and especially not at me.

"So you have no other siblings?" He asked rubbing my legs that rested in his lap

"Nope, none that I know of at least. You?"

"Jin was always more like an older brother to me even though he's actually my uncle. We basically grew up together"

"That must have been fun"

"Yeah it was. We've always had a good relationship and he is my only blood relative I have left so we have to get along" he laughed. I looked around the library at all the books that resided on the many shelves

"What's your favorite book?"

"I don't care to read that much. This library is actually for my uncle. He's the studious one between us and Namjoon is a total nerd so you will find him in here from time to time"

"That's so cute. So Taehyung Kim, what made you approach me that night at the club? I'm sure I wasn't your first pick"

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You talk about yourself so negatively. I don't like it"

"I know how I look and I know what people usually think of me. I've accepted that I'm not pretty or attractive. Deena made sure to remind me of it everyday"

"Your mother is a bitch, sorry that I'm not sorry for saying that but she is. You are pretty, you  are beautiful, you are very attractive, you're downright sexy" I chewed on my bottom lip looking down as my fidgeting fingers. He leaned forward and tipped my chin upwards forcing me to look at him "I like you exactly how you are, you do not need to lose weight or change anything about your appearance Dumpling. Fuck anybody that makes you feel different"

"Do you really mean that Taehyung?"

"Yes, I do. I don't talk out my ass Zuri, I mean what I say"

"Thank you, but when you've only been made fun and called ugly and fat your whole life it's hard to think otherwise. A few guys have thought I was cute before, or so they said, but they never really meant it. In high school one guy only asked me out because he heard fat girls were easy and desperate, another guy went out with me because of a bet he lost and another guy dated me for about two months before ghosting me. So it's hard for me to believe you even though I want to" he sighed heavily and stood up

"Come with me" Taehyung held out his hand and I took hold of it allowing him to lead me to his room. He closed and locked the door behind us then pulled me into his huge walk-in closet where clothes, shoes and accessories lined the walls. Mounted on the farthest wall was a huge full body mirror "Strip"

"Excuse me"

"I said strip, I want to show you something" I stared at him bewildered by his request. Despite what we have done so far he had not seen me completely naked yet "Please take off your clothes, it's nothing sexual I promise. I'll turn around if that will make you more comfortable" I slowly nodded and he turned his back to me

I stared at his back for a moment wondering why he was able to get me to do things I wouldn't or couldn't normally do. It was like Taehyung had me under a spell and that made me want to do the things he'd suggest. I faced the mirror and exhaled before pushing down my shorts and underwear. Next I took off my tank top and covered my intimate parts with my arm and hand. I cleared my throat before speaking

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