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When I woke up Taehyung was already gone, one of the throw pillows from the sofa in his spot. I yawned and stretched, blinking to adjust to the sunlight that still illuminated the room. I rose from the floor, placed the pillow in its rightful place and folded the blanket that was draped over me

"That was a good nap," I said to myself. I used the bathroom and washed my hands then went to find the guys.

I checked upstairs only to find Yoongi passed out in his bed. As I went back down stairs I catch Hoseok in passing

"Hey Hobi," he stops to greet me back "Where is Taehyung?"

"In his office talking to his uncle. He should be out shortly"

"Oh okay, thank you" his smile was so bright and warm, it made me wonder how he ended up in the criminal underworld.

"Is something wrong?" He asked with crinkled eyebrows

"Huh? Oh, no. Nothing is wrong it just seems like whenever he talks to his uncle his mood is darker for a while and I worry about him"

"Unfortunately if Jin calls it's not usually with good news so his mental state shifts and he has to lean into the side of him you haven't met, and hopefully will never have to"

"What do you mean?" I inquired. I knew his uncle was the leader of a huge Asian-American gang and Taehyung was lightly involved by way of running errands and overseeing deals with certain clientele but what more did he do?

"You'll have to ask him the details but Taehyung is a scary person when necessary. Let's just say you do not want to cross him or get on his bad side. The people that did aren't around to talk about it" I was speechless. Has Taehyung killed people? How involved was he really? The questions swirled around in my head but the loudest question was did I really want the answers to the other questions?

"Hadn't planned on it" I looked down at the floor wondering if that was a warning

"Zuri, Tae likes you so much, more than any girl before you and he thinks you're too good for him so he goes the extra mile to show you a lighter, happier side of him so he won't scare you off"

"He-he thinks I'm too good for him? That can't be true, he's the one with the perfect face and body" Hobi chuckled. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"It kind of funny that you two are together considering both of you believe the other shouldn't be with them. It's almost poetic. Zuri you're the sweet, untainted fruit that Taehyung is afraid of damaging but wants any way and he's the soft-hearted bad boy that you're afriad of losing to someone you think would be better for or more like him."

"Can you blame me though? He's... him and I can't compete with the women that throw themselves at you guys. It's hard not to be insecure and jealous"

"But you don't have to baby girl, he wants you because you're not like the rest. Yeah we fuck them but how many do you see sticking around after a night of two? They're just apart of this lifestyle, something to do when we're horny, bored, high or drunk but Taehyung has not even looked at another women since he met you. He may be a bad person but he has a good heart that wants to give to someone... I'm pretty sure it's you"

The weight of Hobi's words hit my like freight train. I was as special to Taehyung as he was to me. I always wanted to believe he liked me but now I knew it. I knew Taehyung was all mine and I had no intentions of ever letting him go.

"Thank you Hobi, seriously, it's very assuring to me. And I don't think Taehyung is a bad person despite what he may have done, he is a beautiful soul and the fact that he can still smile and laugh and wants to open his heart to give and receive love makes him even more perfect to me. He doesn't ever need to worry about being good enough for me, he already is"

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