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After another round of lovemaking and cuddling we showered and got dressed for dinner with Jin. Taehyung was a lot calmer now, which made me wonder why he was nervous in the first place.

"Babe is there anything I should know before we get there?" I asked while strapping myself in

"Like what?" He reversed out the parking spot and merged into traffic. Why do men look so sexy when they are driving?

"I don't know, like anything I shouldn't do or say. Does he have a deformity he's sensitive about or a funny voice"

"Girl you watch too many movies" he laughed approaching a stop light "No there's nothing you need to be aware of, just be your normal wonderful self"

"Okay. Are the guys going to be there too?"

"Yeah Hoseok and Jungkook are driving with my uncle and the rest are probably riding together. Are you hungry yet?"

"Starving, I just had that yogurt parfait from earlier. I'm gonna eat everything" I joked

"Good, I know you've been skipping meals" he glanced at me with warning

"Not on purpose I swear! I end up being too tired so sometimes I forget to eat"

"Then I will send you lunch or better yet I'll bring it to you myself when you're at work or have long school days" we pulled into a parking lot and I saw Jimin's car first.

"That won't be necessary"

"I think it is" he got out first then came around to open my door for me. Taking my hand in his, we walked into the fragrant building and immediately saw our friends sitting around a table grill with unopened bottles of soju in front of each person

"Baby girl!" Jimin jumped up first to hug me followed by Jungkook and Namjoon

"Hey guys" I gave each of them a hug

"Hey Zuri" I leaned down to hug Hoseok and Yoongi. Jin stood before us with his hand extended for me to shake

"Hi I'm Zuri, it's good to finally you meet you" I smiled

"You too, I've heard lots about you from Taehyung and I agree that you are absolutely gorgeous" he brought my hand to his plump lips and gently kissed it. Oh okay! So being charming must run in the family. My cheeks were definitely a weak shade of pink as I retrieved my hand

"Oh, thank you"

"Sit here Dumpling" Tae pulled out my chair then sat next to me while his uncle took the only vacant seat on the opposite of the table.

Soon a platter of meat was placed on the regular part of the table and my eyes bulged. It was so much meat, varying from cuts I recognized to several I didn't. The guys got excited, speaking Korean as they laid strips on the hot grill ooh'ing and ahh'ing at the sizzle.

"Excuse my ignorance but is there a certain way to eat this? I'm unfamiliar with most Korean foods" I asked, feeling silly for not having educated myself before

"Kind of, typically you stuff the lettuce leaves with the meat and side dishes then eat it altogether but do whatever baby girl" Namjoon explained with a live demonstration

"Oh okay, that's cool"

"Try this baby" Tae holds a stuffed leaf in front of me and I open wide to accept it, nodding as I chew

"It's really good"

Everything was going well until a group of guys came into the restaurant who looked like trouble. The immediate change in the atmosphere could be felt by everyone. Tae and the rest of the guys were alert and ready, I, on the other hand, was nervous as hell. They obviously know each other and I'd guess that it's not a friendly relationship

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