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The next morning I woke up in Taehyung's arms, smiling like an idiot. Sometimes I couldn't believe this was my life now, him being mine felt unreal.

"It's rude to stare" he mumbled, rubbing my bare back

"Not if what I'm staring at already belongs to me" I sassed then pecked his lips

"What time is it?" He asked picking up his phone "Damn, I didn't mean to sleep in this late, it's almost eleven"

"Oops" I snickered

"Oops" he mimicked me "Get up. We were supposed to leave thirty minutes ago"

"Yes oppa"

"Don't fucking start, Dumpling"

"Start what? I'm just showing you respect as my elder, oppa" I smiled innocently while batting my lashes

"When we get home I'm fucking you and making love to you for a week straight. Pray you might ever walk again" he growled the slapped my ass

"Ow! Tae!" I shouted rubbing my butt

"I told you not to start with me," he smirked. I rolled off my bed, as naked as the day I was born, and pulled out underwear. Slipping them on with the matching bra that Tae snapped closed for me.

I put on a thick pair of leggings and an oversized sweater then my socks and shoes. Dressed, I stepped out of my bedroom behind my boyfriend to see Jungkook, Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok spread over my living room making it look smaller with their legs extended all over the place.

"Good morning guys" I said making them all look up toward me

"Morning" they all replied in different variations

"Let's go, we're already behind schedule" Tae spoke with his authoritative tone. Everyone got up and filed out my apartment, me Tae and Yoongi took the elevator and the rest chose the stairs

"Baby I know we are behind schedule but can we please make a pit stop at Kita's? She didn't call me yesterday" I asked holding onto his arm

"Dumpling, no. Maybe she was busy or sleep"

"Please Tae, it's not normal for her to not call me or not pick up my calls for a whole day. I'm worried, please baby, it'll be quick I promise" I begged as the metal doors opened

He sighed not wanting to giving in but I pouted and hugged him from behind, nuzzling my face into the back of his coat "Five minutes" was all he said as we made it outside

"Thank you Tae bear, I love you" I reached up to kiss his cheek before sliding in the back seat. Taehyung climbed in the front passenger seat and Hoseok in the driver's seat.

Yoongi and Jimin rode together and Jungkook on his own since he drove to my house separately. Taehyung let the others know we were making a quick stop at Kita's house then getting on the road. The drive to her house consisted of them talking back and forth about a plan. I pretend not to pay attention but I know it involved my father and it didn't sound good.

For two seconds I felt bad but then remembered that this is the game of life they play. Someone has to win and someone has to lose and Taehyung was NOT a loser. I called and texted Kita during the ride but not a peep was received which made me worry even more. Usually, if she was going to be unavailable ahe she would tell me so I wouldn't blow her phone up.

"You're awfully quiet back there" Tae says

"Kita still isn't answering and I know she's not asleep. She never sleeps past nine and she's not at work" I chewed the inside of my bottom lip nervously, I had a bad feeling

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