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I came out of my bedroom to see my mother passed out on the floor, a common sight for my eyes. The empty bottle of vodka lodged between the sofa corner and end table leg. I pushed her arm out of my way with my foot so I wouldn't trip over it and grabbed the broom and dust pan to clean up the broken glass on the floor near the kitchen.

Once that was taken care of I disposed of the empty mini liquor bottles I collected in my sweep of the living room. My mother groaned, shifted a little but remained asleep on the floor, making me shake my head. I was so tired of this shit.

I looked at the time on the stove and saw that I had to be into work in two hours, with a heavy and defeated sigh I squatted behind my mothers limp body and hooked my arms under her armpits and drug her body to the couch mustering up strength to lift her onto the cushions. I put a cup of water and some aspirin on the table for when she woke, whenever that might be, and fixed myself a bowl of cereal to break my fast. After I finished eating I took a shower and dressed for work deciding to go in earlier since I had nothing else going on

"Hey, good morning Zuri, you're early"

"Morning Mark, yeah I know is it okay if I clock in now?" I asked pointing to the back

"Sure, go ahead. I have a feeling Jennie will be late so this works out perfectly"

You know Jennie" I chuckled unzipping my jacket

"I know Jennie" he sighed, putting out more cups in varying sizes "Once you're clocked in can you put out the pastries please?"

"Sure can" I put my belongings in my locker, clocked in and began my task. As predicted Jennie called saying she was running late and I could see the irritation in Mark's face. I simply shook my head and started to service the few customers strolling in

It was midday and I was craving lunch, the cereal had worn off long ago but we got an unexpected rush so I ended up taking a later lunch. I purchased a salad from our fridge and grabbing an iced coffee the went to dine at the picnic table outside the cafe receiving a call from my friend Kita

"Yo" I answered pushing the mouth full of lettuce into my cheek to speak

"Are you busy tonight? I mean I already know the answer but I'm asking anyway"

"Rude. I will be very busy tonight my Mr. Netflix"

"You're so sad, I'm not letting you spend another weekend couped up in that house doing nothing but watching movies and babysitting your mother" she scoffed, I could hear her rolling her eyes as as well "You're coming out with me tonight and I'm not taking no for an answer"

"No thank you Kita, you know she barely behaves when I'm at home there is no telling what she'll get into if I'm not there to keep an eye on her so no I won't be going out with you tonight"

"Yes you will. I'll come by later to help you pick out something to wear and doll you up, bye" she hung up on me. No point in calling her back she wouldn't listen. I finished the rest of my meal and went back to work.

"It's been pretty slow for the last hour and a half I'm thinking we can close up a little early if y'all want"

"Yes! Let's do it" Jennie perked up and staring wiping down the tables faster

"Of course you want to leave early even though you were half an hour late today" Mark sneered

"I overslept, I said I was sorry. Get your panties out a wad" she snapped moving on to the next tabletop

I finished cleaning up and gathered my things after I clocked out. We all left the cafe with goodbyes and I headed home, taking my time to walk instead of catching the bus like I normally would. Being alone with my thought afforded me time to relax my mind and not worry for a few minutes

"Move, move, move big lady coming through" I heard a few guys snicker as I walked by. I subtly rolled my eyes as I continued past

"Shit I think I felt the ground move" another teased and they all broke out in full fit of laughter. I kept my head down and walked a little faster to get away from them

"Maybe I should've got on the bus" I softly spoke to myself. I shook my head at their words and put my earbud in one ear and turned on my current favorite playlist.

I hoped my mother would be asleep when I got home, even more so I hoped she'd be in one of her rare good moods and not be a bitch to me when I got home but I was asking for too much. As soon as I walked in the door I heard her calling me out my name

"Hey you fat bitch, where's the key?"

"I'm not giving you the key"

"I'll break it open if I have to" she snapped looking me over with a frown "You don't look a thing like me"

"Okay" I simply said, not wanting to show how mad I was getting at her constant insults. All she ever did was yell, curse at me and insult me especially when I would lock up the liquor cabinet "How are you still able to drink anything?"

"The same way you still eat even though you're as big as a house"

"You know what, here is the key. I hope you drown in Gin" I threw the key at her and went to my room

"Bitch you know I don't drink gin" she chuckled, snatching the cabinet door open and screwing off the cap to a brand new bottle of bourbon then drinking right from it

I slammed my door and paced angrily trying not to cry so I called Kita.

"What time are you coming over tonight, I'll go out with you" I sniffled

"What did she say this time?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary but I can't take it right now. I just gave her the key and locked myself in my room"

"Why don't you pack a bag and come to my house instead, she'll be okay. Seems like she functions better when she's drunk actually so you shouldn't worry so much"

"O-okay, can I come now? I need to get out of here"

"Of course I'm on my way home now I can pick you up"

"No that's okay, I'll take the bus. I'll see you shortly". I hung up and threw a bunch of clothes into my duffles bag. I stuffed my toiletry pouch in and grabbed some shoes for tonight. Once i was packed with everything I'd need for an overnight stay I left the house without a word slamming the door behind me

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