S2 - Chapter 5: Athens

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We were all brought into the courtroom of the Gods. Besides the 4 major Gods, it was only me, Kaito, Himari, and Idril in the courtroom. No other Gods or Demigods.

It was seriously weird not seeing Angel with us, but I hoped her mission was going well. And I hope Siyuka didn't get into too much trouble.

Ra stood up and waved his hand over us. Right in front of us, a massive globe of the earth appeared. Last time I saw this globe, was when Connor and I first arrived at Mytho-Academy. Just thinking about it made my heart ache.

Right where Egypt would be, there was a glowing red dot.

Ra: "For around six months, Egyptian Gods have been disappearing. Near the beginning, it was Anubis, the God of funerals. Then, it was our very own Horus, the God of the Skies and the current ruler of Egypt. Even Thoth, our school records keeper, has gone missing"

Emiko: "What about my—"

I caught myself.

Emiko: "What about Heka?"

Ra: "He has also gone missing. In fact, he was the first to mysteriously disappear"

Emiko: "Wouldn't be the first time..."

Himari slipped her hand into mine and squeezed tightly. I attempted to hide my blush, but I probably wasn't successful.

Ra: "Being that it is only Egyptian Gods that are going missing, we must assume our enemy has something to do with Egypt. Therefore, we will be sending you four to Egypt, where you will investigate further"

Idril raised her hand and spoke timidly.

Idril: "U-Um, excuse me. B-But where will we be staying?"

Ra: "We were hoping Kaito would be able to help with that, since his family also lives there"

Himari gasped and turned to Kaito.

Himari: "I completely forgot! You're from Egypt!!"

Kaito didn't seem too enthusiastic about it.

Kaito: "Is there anywhere else we can stay?"

Idril: "What's wrong, Kaito? Don't you want to see your family?"

Kaito: "It's not that..."

Emiko: "If you don't feel up to it, we can find another—"

Kaito: "No, we can stay there"

Kaito's expression showed a lot of nervousness. It's like there was something he didn't want us to see.

Ra: "Excellent, you four will depart tomorrow morning. Make sure you are well prepared"

Ra snapped his fingers and the 4 of us were teleported outside. When I looked over to Kaito, he looked even more nervous than before.

Emiko: "You sure it's okay for us to stay there? We don't have to"

Kaito: "No, it's just that when I left with Sobek for my Demigod training, me and my mom didn't exactly leave on the best terms..."

Idril: "You can make up with her while we're there, it'd be nice to see her after all these years"

Kaito: "I guess you're right, but I'm still scared"

Himari wrapped one of her arms over Kaito's shoulders.

Himari: "Don't worry about any of that! You should be worrying about how you're going to explain to your mom why you're coming home with three girls"

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