Chapter 12: Departure

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You know, I hate quests. Especially when one of your party members doesn't even bother to show up. Yeah, Siyuka didn't even show up. I mean, this was kind of a blessing in disguise. None of us would've gotten along with her, but still, there goes one of our best fighters. Angel mentioned we'd be seeing a bunch of monsters as we travel the world. If they were anything like Biology has made them out to be, we're in trouble.

So, in total, our final group was this.

- Connor (Son of Heka)
- Emiko (Daughter of Heka)
- Angel (Daughter of Hades)
- Himari: (Daughter of Loki)
- Kaito (Son of Sobek)

Yeah, this wasn't your legend 7 demigods, but it was the best we could come up with. We had actually discussed this with the Gods, specifically Odin. He was a war god, so if anyone knew what we should do in the midst of war, it was him.

The reason Kaito was coming was because he had ties with Egypt, and him being the son of Sobek would mean we'd probably have a good amount of support there.

Himari was coming along because she knew a lot about Ragnarok, even surprising Odin with her knowledge. Her shape shifting also made her crucial to this quest.

Angel was chosen because of her ties with the dead. If we encountered any dead, which we most likely would, she could communicate with or even control them.

And since Emiko needed to see Heka, it was obvious she would come along.

And I'm the one who came up with the plan, so it made sense.

We had all gathered in the giant courtroom of the four major ruler gods, with Emiko still in a wheelchair. Besides us and the ruler gods, Aphrodite, Ares, and a few other gods were there as well. It was also around 6pm. The gods say Apophis is most active during the morning and night, since Ra is at his weakest at night. And in the morning, Ra is still regaining his power.

Ra: "You 5 will go on a very dangerous quest. Once you leave Mytho-Academy, we can no longer protect you. You will be on your own. You will encounter monsters only gods have ever survived an encounter with. Your chances of success are extremely slim. With that in mind, if you decide to back out, no one will blame you"

Kaito: "Remind me again why none of you can come with?"

Ares: "If we get close to Apophis, he'll be able to sense us. But a few demigods shouldn't be noticed on his radar. Besides, it'd be suicidal to track him down"

We were all silent, until Angel spoke up.

Angel: "I don't care, we have to try. If we just give up now, what's the point of even being trained as demigods"

Kaito: "You're right. We've been trained to protect the mortal world. And even if we die in the process, at least we did what we were meant to do"

Himari: "I'm going to prove my father's innocence. Going out there is the only way to do that"

Emiko: "All of you have these big speeches ready. But I'm gonna be honest, I got nothing"

Connor: "Same, let's just go. The sooner we get going, the more time we have"

Aphrodite walked up to me and handed me a backpack. It looked like a typical blue and black school backpack.

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