"Hey you home?" Cameron called and the door shut. I walked from the laundry room and he held a box. "I'm home" I nodded and he smiled. "You don't have work tomorrow right?" He asked with a devils grin. "What if I said I do?" I asked. "I know you don't." He told me and I chuckled. "What do you have?" I asked and stood on my tip toes and tried to see inside the box. It was shut. "Go to the bed room and I'll tell you" he told me and I chuckled. I walked to the bed room and sat down on the bed. He walked in and set the box down and looked over at me. "Greens is shitting down" he told me and I gasped. "No" I put my hand to my heart. "I know. But everything was like 90 to 99 percent off" he told me and my eyes got big. "No" I spoke a little quieter. "Yeah" he nodded and pulled out rope from the box. "Lay down" he told me and I got all the way on the bed. He got me tied up and had led on he got some sex toys to try out. He reached in the box and pulled out a collar. He walked over and tightened it around my neck. Now I at least had somthing on. His hands traveled down my leg and he patted the top of my cat. I was already wet and throbbing. He walked back over to the box and pulled out a butt plug. "It vibrates" he showed me. "Thats for you" I told him and he turned red a bit and set it back in there. He then pulled out a vibrator. "This is an early birthday present cause I know damn well you wanted this" he showed it to me. I did. Even the right color. . .
Not liking how I did this one.

"Y/n" Mason panted from the awkward sitting position he was in. I let go of his hard cock and he wined and lifted his hips up as far as he could. Wrist and ankles tied and additional ties to his arms and a collar on his neck. "Wining doesn't make it any better for you" I told him and he was red in the face as he looked up at me. "Please" he gritted his teeth and I hovered my hand around his cock, careful not to touch it. "Please what? want me to stop?" I pulled my hand away. "No. No please touch me." He begged as his dick moved back and forth. I let only the pad my first 3 fingers go up and down his shaft. He put his head back and groaned. He moved his hips in time with my hand and I stop. I grabbed his cock and started to pump. "Can I cum?" His strangled voice came out as a cry and I stopped. "Stop" he raised his voice and he immediately picked his head up and started to shake it back and forth. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I-I didn't mean to-" he shook his head as he got breathless and his face got even more red. "Maybe I should leave you here and teach you a lesson" I crossed my arms and he shook his head. "No please. I'm sorry. I'll do what ever you want" he started to get tears in his eyes. My jaw went slack a little. "Your really this worked up?" I raised my eyebrows and he struggled to catch his breath. "Please don't leave me here" he spoke quietly and bit the inside of his lip as his lip quivered. I reached back down for his dick.

"What? What are you gonna do?" Matt demanded as we walked in the room and my face was red. "Just tell me Matt" I spoke and shut the door. "No" he shrugged. "Matt you were letting that girl dance all over you. She kissed you" I threw my hands up and he scoffed. "How jealous can you be?" He asked me as he turned around to look at me. "I'm your fucking fiance" I yelled at him and he raised his eye brows and did a little smile. "I dated her back in highschool. She dumped me, and is super hot. Dont get all worked up" he lifted his hands and turned back around. I had tears in my eyes. I reached for the drawer in the table and pulled out our gun. "Matt" I clenched my teeth and pointed it at him. "Y/n what the fuck?!" He ducked and held his hands up. "Put that fucking thing down or your gonna  kill in of us" he told me. "Sit down" I held it with both hands now and he looked at me like I was crazy. Its him. "I'm done with the fucking lying" I told him and tears ran down my face. "I have never once-" "Shut up and listen" I yelled and he sat carfully on the couch. "I'm tired of you going after other girls and not even thinking about how I would react" I told him and sniffed. "Tired of the lying. The gaslighting. The constant cycle of you assuming me your not seeing somone else even though I have watched you make you with 7 different girls on 6 differnt occasions" my voice got louder as I had my finger in the trigger. "So what are you gonna kill me?" He asked and leaned forward. "I might. The world would be better off" I nodded and my stomach jumped. "You can't." he stood up slowly. "Stop" I held the gun up and my throat was tight. I held it to his head and followed him as he stood up. "Stop" I whsipered as more tears fell down my face. "Give me the gun" he held his hand out. "No" I shook my head and my hands were shaking.
"Y/n. Give me, the fucking gun" his voice more demanding now. I bit my tounge harder and harder and I could taste the blood.   "I will shoot" I told him and my heart was beating do fast. "You won't" he told me and I blinked. I was done. He lunged at me and I screamed as he tackled me to the ground. I heard the gun go off and I felt somthing warm leaking on to my shirt. "Matt?" I gasped and pushed him off of me. My hands were covered in his blood. I let the gun fall to the ground beside me and Matt was gasping for air. He looked up at me as blood spilled from his shirt. I kneeled beside him as he tired to cover the bullet wound. "Hope the devil fucks you in the ass" I told him and a tear ran down the corner if his eye. His eyes went dark and I heard his last breath and he went limp.

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