{44} Birthday

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I glanced around the room making sure we were alone before asking the question that had been plaguing my mind. "How do you know when your in love?"

Julian whipped his head to me so fast I heard a crick. "What?"

"Nothing...it's just that was a bit out of the blue. Do you think your in love with Cole?"

"No, no. Of course not. I was just being curious," I said, my voice rising octaves. 

"Right," he said unconvincingly. 

"Can you just tell me what it's like? You love my brother right?"

"Yup in love with that slightly temperamental buffoon."

"Well what's it like, being in love?"

"Jesus Willow bit of a full on question." He thought for a few moments before speaking, "It's...great, to put it simply. I know he's always going to be there for me no matter what and I'll always be there for him. He may not say he loves me all the time but actions mean more than words. It's the little things that warm my heart because he's doing it because he cares. 

When you're in love you put that person first and they're the most important person in your life. You want to spend as much time as you can with them as possible, even if you're doing mundane shit. I wanted to be the person that he thought about when he woke up and I wanted to be the person he fell asleep thinking about. I guess that's how I knew I was in love with Mase."

"But isn't that was it's like when you like someone, not love?"

"Not necessarily you may feel some of the things I said but not to its full capacity. Love is a lot more intense. It can be roller coaster at times. When your good, it's amazing but when you argue  you literally feel your heart being ripped out of your chest because your arguing with the person you love the most." I nodded, taking in everything he was saying. 

"That doesn't sound fun," I mumbled. Just the thought of arguing with Cole upset me, I couldn't imagine what it would be like in real life. 

"The good outweighs the bad. If you're arguing all the time then it's not a healthy relationship." He turned to me expectedly. 

"You love Cole?"

"Maybe, I don't know." I slumped into the couch as my head spun. "I've always had strong feelings for Cole since the beginning but what if there's more to it. At the same time all I can think about is that it's too soon to say it. Don't people have to be in relationships for months before you say I love you."

"Everyone's different Willow. Besides it's not like you two have been dating for two days, it's been a while."

"Almost two months," I chirped. 

"And you liked him long before you got together. Don't think I'm trying to force you to love him but if you do I don't want you to think you're saying it too early."

I wrapped my arms around Julian, pulling him into a hug. He always knew what to say. "You're a great best friend," I mumbled into his shoulder. 

Stomps echoed down the stairs before Julian could reply. We turned to see Evelyn with a deep frown on her face. 

"Are you okay Evelyn?" I asked, worry laced in my tone. 

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