{14} Friends

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"So your telling me yesterday you were at Mr Mitchell's place when Lucas' friend walks in but he turns out to be Mr Mitchell's best friend." I was currently filling Julian in on yesterdays events. I kept it brief, sticking to the basics but I just wanted to tell someone. Also I felt guilty Julian didn't know. He's my best friend and as I'm getting close with Cole he has a right to know. And give me his opinions on Cole, his intuition in normally never wrong.

Although I hadn't mentioned anything about Bailey and me. Knowing Julian he'd go all mama bear on me and try to argue with her and I didn't want Bailey to feel like everyone in the group was attacking her. 

"Uh huh," I confirmed. 

"Well I can't imagine that went too well. Although if it did go bad I don't think you would be sitting here right now."

"I guess best friend priorities came first. So lucky for me he isn't going to tell. He actually didn't seem like he cared all that much. I just think he checked because he had to. We spent the rest of the day together with no complaints. I get along with Aaron quite well."

"So you're not in any trouble?"


"Now that I know that you don't have an impending doom, spill."

"Spill what?"

"Everything. What was his place like? He lives in an apartment right? Does he have a girlfriend?"

"How would I know if he was a girlfriend?"

"Did you not check?"

"No." Julian rolled his eyes at me.

"Well next time you go you need to snoop around."

"I'm not going to snoop. That's an invasion of privacy. Also I'm not planning on going to his again. Don't want to turn it into a habit."

"Why not? Don't you care if he has a girlfriend?" He stirred his hot chocolate casually as if he hadn't asked me an unexpected question.

"Why would I?" I said in an off handed voice.

"Right. Your hair looks cute. Why did you change it? Any new crushes I should be aware about?"

"No. Why are you asking me so many questions? I feel like I'm being interrogated."

"Oh if I wanted to interrogate you Willow you wouldn't know a single thing about it," he ruffled my hair.

"Can everyone stop doing that?" I whined. "So what do you think about Cole?" I tried to ask coyly but Julian saw straight threw me.

"From the intel I have gathered I can officially say that I, Julian Pérez born on October thirty-first..." He did a drumroll.

"Can you stop drawing it out?"

"You know I have a flair for the dramatic Willow. Now hush. He seems good. I like him."

"That's good. What about you? I feel like we're always talking about my life. Any new boyfriends?"

My jaw unhinged when I saw Julian get flustered. Julian never gets flustered.

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