{34} Manners

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"We should go baby clothes shopping. Ohh and we could g⏤"

"Willow calm down. She's not even born yet," Cole chuckled. I gave him a sheepish smile in response. I had been babbling on for the last ten minutes of stuff we needed to get for the baby. 

"Sorry. I'm just excited and I'm guessing the mom won't have anything for the baby." I just realised we still don't know her name but I guess it's not that important. I can just call her 'the mom'.

"We'll get all that stuff don't worry. Just stop bouncing about."

Another reason I was focusing on the baby was so I could ignore our current predicament. We were going to meet Cole's grandma and I was so nervous. He had picked me up from work and just causally dropped the bomb on me. I wasn't even dressed appropriately, I looked like a mess. I chewed on my bottom lip, foot tapping anxiously, as I thought about everything that could go wrong.

"What's your middle name?" I blurted out. 

"She's not going to quiz you on your knowledge about me," he said noticing my panicking state.

"Just answer please."


"Jayden? You don't look like a Jayden." I cocked my head to the side looking at his side profile. 

"Thanks?" He let out an amused huff.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way."

"I know Willow. Your fine. What's your middle name?"

"You think my parents care enough to give me a middle name? They struggled giving me a forename. Mason and I were called twin a and twin b for like three years. It's a miracle we have all our legal paperwork." Me talking about my childhood was surprisingly calming to me. 

We pulled up to a cute one story house before he could reply. "It's so pretty." It had that whole white picket fence, yellow house, red roses thing going on⏤it was super cute. 

Cole got out and came over to my side when he realised I hadn't moved. He opened the car door and smirked down at me. "You getting out anytime soon?"

"Uh huh," my voice came out much higher than usual. 

"She's not going to eat you," he rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand, tugging me to the house. Cole knocked on the door and it took everything it had in me to not run back to the car while we waited. I don't even know why I'm so nervous to meet his grandma. I love old people.  

The door swung open to reveal a short old lady with grey hair. The first thing I noticed about her were her eyes. They were the exact same as Cole's, blue and piercing. 

"Grammy," Cole exclaimed leaning down to hug her.

"You've grown so much," she gasped struggling to wrap her arms around his back fully, I know the feeling. He pulled back and gave me a comforting smile.

"Grammy meet Willow. Willow meet my grandma."

"Hello," I squeaked trying to give the most confident smile possible as she scanned me up and down. Finally a smile broke free on her face and she gestured us in. Well that has to be a good sign. 

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