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"Thank god you're here I thought I was going to get robbed. Why did you ask me to pick you up from this dump?" That was the first thing Ethan said to me when I got into his car. 

"I live in this dump," I smiled trying to not take his comment to heart. Judging by his expensive car he clearly had more money that most young people.

"Ugh," he shivered in disgust making me look at him bewildered. He looked slightly remorseful but I couldn't tell if it was an act or not. 

"So where we going?" I changed the subject. Just because we started off a little rocky doesn't mean the rest of the date has to be like that.

"The breach."

"Where's that? I've never heard of it before."

"It's a very high class, profile restaurant. Lucky for us I managed to reserve a table."

"Sounds fun." No it doesn't. I have watched Barbie princess charm school. I know there's fancy ways of how rich people eat, that I don't know. I'm going to embarrass myself.                                  "So what do you like to do for fun? Anything on the cheaper side?"

"Well fine dining has become a hobby of mine. I'm always busy with work so I learned to turn my day to day tasks in hobbies."

"Sound like your just making everything more expensive," I joked.

"Precisely," he said seriously. I just realised how little we have in common. Why did I agree to this? 

Nope, think positive thoughts. "What's your job?"

"Well I am rising up in the ranks of my family owned business quite quickly. Not to toot my own horn but me skipping two grades gave me more time to prepare for the business," he said smugly. 

"So you're like a genius?" I asked, reminding me of a certain blonde boy I've been trying to push out my mind this whole car ride.

"Something of the sort." I let out a strained chuckle. All I could think about was that Cole's reaction was much cuter. Why am I even comparing the two? 

I had spoken to Ethan multiple times when I served him but he never seemed so...well like him. We weren't even at the restaurant yet and it was already going like this.


"Would you like to order?" A waiter asked.

"Yes I'll have-" I zoned out as he ordered, trying to figure out what I should order. A lot of it was in French and I had no idea what to get.



"Your order."

"Right. Sorry. Everything looks good here I can't choose. Why don't you order for me?" I offered instead of embarrassing myself. 

"She'll have the Normandy blue lobster with grilled beetroot and blueberries kefir. Would you like some wine Willow?"

"No thank you. I don't drink."

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