{9} Hospital

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Bailey, Julian and I were currently at the mall. I don't know why I'm here considering I'm not going to buy anything but Julian says I have to come for 'moral support'. Except he tries to buy clothes, he thinks I like, for me. He's a good friend but I don't need any new clothes.

"Can we go get some food? I'm really hungry," I rubbed my stomach as it started to rumble. Don't worry, I'll feel you soon buddy. 

"I need to go to the toilet first," Bailey piped up. 

We waited outside as she went to the toilet. The shops across us caught Julian's eye and before I knew he was dragging me over there although his plan didn't go as smooth as he'd like because a body collided into mine harshly. A grunt left my mouth at the impact. But before I could fall and get any more injuries the person who knocked into me wrapped their arm around my back. 

I look up to see Cole. Because our bodies were already pressed against each other I automatically lifted my arms around him, into a hug, lucky for me he went along with it.

"Willow. How are you?"

"I'm great. You?" 

"I'm fine just a bit busy. I need to go but I'll talk to you later yeah."

"Actually if it isn't too much of a hassle could you pick me up later and take me to the hospital?"

"What wrong with you?" He asked grabbing my biceps and assessing my body for any damages.

"There's nothing wrong with me. I just want to donate some toys to the hospital. Give them to the kids."

"Aww look at you being a little saint. Of course I'll take you," he cooed squeezing my cheeks.

"Is six okay?" I pushed his hands away rubbing my cheeks. Must he squeeze my cheeks so hard?


"Okay well I'll see you at 6. You have my permission to go do your errands," I teased pushing him away. "Bye Cole!" I shouted as he started walking away from me. I gasped when he just flipped me the bird. "Rude!"

"Don't give a fuck," he shouted back, catching some disapproving stares. I giggled as a mom walked past us with her baby mumbling something as 'kids these days'. If only she knew he was twenty-one.

Julian place his hand on my wrist, startling me. "What was all that about Willow?"

"Oh I didn't tell you about that?" I squeaked.

"No. What are you doing mingling with him? And why didn't you just ask one of us to take you to the hospital?"

"He comes by the bakery a lot so we've kind of become friends. You even saw me talking to him in gym. Also whenever I ask you to take me to the hospital you refuse."

"Friends? With a teacher? "

"I know it seems odd but we just get along well."

"Can't argue with that. So his names Cole?" Julian excitedly asked.

"Yes and no I'm not telling you everything about him because I don't even know that much about him and it's weird. If Cole and I stay long term friends you'll meet him eventually."

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