{37} Ellie

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"Willow wake up."

"Urgh," I groaned rubbing my eyes.

"You need to get up so we can go to your house."

"Okay," I whispered sleepily. "Are you ready?"


"Bend down." He furrowed his eyebrows but bent down while I sat up. I ran my hands through his tousled hair sorting it out. I pulled some of the front pieces into place. 

"There," I smiled. He leaned in to give me a kiss but I pursed my lips, turning my head. "I just woke up Cole."


"Morning breath."

He rolled his eyes and grabbed my face, giving me a quick peck before I could pull away. "What are you doing about the boys?"

"Well I can't wake them up. It's way too early so they'll just have to stay here," he said before I walked into the bathroom. I freshened up, walking into the living room looking at the boys. They looked peaceful. With a shrug I walked into the kitchen smiling at the sight before me.

Cole had made two packed lunches for Aaron and Niccolò and he was currently writing them a note. "Aww are you telling them how much daddy's going to miss them while he's at work," I cooed. 

"Piss off," he grumbled but I could see the tips of his ears get red.

"I like making you blush. It's fun."

"I'm not blushing."

"Yes you are," I nodded going up next to him trying to get a peek at the note but he moved it away. I frowned up at him, he only put his hands on my cheeks and placing his lips on mine. I grabbed his wrists while I tried to keep up with his pace. Tingles racked up and down my body as Cole's tongue slid into my mouth. I had only done this like once or twice with my ex so I had no idea if I was any good but I just followed his actions. 

My phone rang loudly in my-Cole's joggers. I bit down on his lip in surprise making him groan. I soothed the area with my tongue hoping I didn't bite too hard before pulling away. To my surprise Demitri was calling me. He literally never rings me and if he was it wouldn't be this early. "Hello?"

"Willow thank fuck you answered I'm shitting myself. Ada's in labour."

"She's what! Isn't she a month early?" On the bright side now I know her name. Cole looked at me in concern and confusion so I decided to put Demitri on speaker.

"I know. That babies going to be premature but it should be fine because of how along she is. But can you meet me at the hospital? I'm freaking the fuck out." I could hear the tremors in his voice and my heart went out to him. He was going to be a dad a month earlier than expected. We don't even have anything ready for the baby yet.

"Of course. I'll be right there. Think positive thoughts yeah?"

"Yeah yeah," he muttered sounding like he wasn't fully there before he hung up.

"Looks like I'm not going to school today. Can you drop me off to the hospital please?"

"Yeah course. I'd come if I could but-"

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