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It was only when I saw Mr Mitchell again in lesson did I realise how much of an affect he had on the girls. They stared at him with hungry eyes, seriously they all looked like they wanted to eat him. I guess having a handsome, young guy as your teacher made their biology lesson better.

"The things I would do to that man," Julian groaned quietly. He also had an affect on Julian. "I would start by-" I could feel my eyes get wider by the minute.

"Please do not tell me," I rushed out, shaking my head vehemently. He already tells me too many details, this was one thing I didn't need to know. 

"Don't act like you don't want to see him naked," he waved me off. 

"Julian," my cheeks flushed. How he talked about such crude things so openly I would never know. 

"See you're thinking about it," he nodded with a satisfied smile. 

"No I'm not."

"So are you trying to say he's ugly?"

"Well he isn't ugly-"


"Can you two cut it out?" Mr Mitchell said standing in front of our desk. I felt my cheeks heat up even more thinking about what we we're talking about. "Stop flirting in class."

"What?" I blurted out shocked.

"We are not flirting," Julian denied firmly.

"Judging by her cheeks and your smile I can only assume you're flirting."

"We were talking about her boyfriend not me." I placed my hands over my cheeks, which were getting hotter by the second.

"My apologies for assuming but can you think about this boyfriend of yours out off lesson Willow?"

"Y-Yes sir," I stuttered. 

"Julian he's going to think I'm a bad student now," I whispered once Mr Mitchell walked away.

"And we wouldn't want him to think that would we?" He said with a teasing smile that I ignored because I didn't know what he was implying, knowing him it's probably something inappropriate.

"Exactly I'm a good student."

"Yup. You're a good girl," he chuckled. "Willow I never knew you were such a minx."

"What? I didn't do anything."

"Nope. Can't deny it. I know the true you," he sniggered.

I huffed at his behaviour. He continued to ignore me for the rest of the lesson, still laughing to himself. Although it was probably for the best, I shouldn't be chatting so much in class.

Julian and I walked down the hallways looking for Bailey and Mason only to get stopped by Jackson. "What do you want Jackson?" I sighed.

"A second chance. Please?"

"I don't get why you're begging now."

"Because I told you it was a mistake."

"I'm sorry Jackson but we aren't getting back together. Leave me alone, please," I practically begged, dragging Julian with me as I walked away from Jackson. The truth was the more I thought about it the less I realised that we were compatible and the more I questioned why I got with him in the first place.

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