{16} Grace

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"What are you doing here?" I asked Cole.

"What a nice greeting."

"Sorry. Hi, welcome to Bellmeire's bakery what can I get you? That better?" I smiled.

"I'm here for some beignets."

"You know I'm beginning to think the beignets aren't the only thing you're here for."

"Oh no you caught me red handed what will I ever do?" He said in the most monotone voice I've ever heard. I shot his a flat stare, my eyes widening when his arms reached over the counter. He put his finger on each end of my lips and tilted them up. I couldn't help but smile when I figured out what he was doing.

"I think you're just a hater. You try to spoil my fun," I jested.

"And I think you're an idiot but I never tell you."

"Eat in or eat out?" I grumbled.

"When's your break?"

"In about five minutes."

"I'll eat in. You better sit with me on your break." I put the beignets on a plate, placing them down on the counter between us. 

"Yes boss," I saluted after putting his money in the register.

"Give me my change you clown."

"I do not look like a clown. We will carry on this conversation later. Now go. The lines getting long."

"Hi welcome to Bellmeire's bakery what can I get you?"

"Just my regular please," a frequent customer asked.

"There you go," I said handing him his green tea. "I know you're a bit of a health freak but do you want anything else?"

"Your number," he blurted.

"What?" I asked with rosy cheeks.

"Well it's obvious your gorgeous. I would like to take you on a date."

"Ethan I'm 17."

"I'm only 22, it's not a big age gap. Why do you think I come here all the time? Like you said yourself I'm a bit of a health freak." It wouldn't be bad to go on a date with him. He's very handsome and seems like a nice boy but Jackson was like that as well. If worst comes to worst I just won't answer his calls.

I cleared my throat. "Do you have a pen?" I shot Ethan a smile when he passed me his pen. I wrote my number on a napkin, putting the pen on top, before pushing it to him. 

"I'm in a bit of a rush but you'll definitely be hearing from me."

"Have a nice day," I told him.

"You too Willow." My eyes trailed after him as he left, sliding over to Cole's. I gave him an excited smile but he just gave me a flat stare making me frown. I took the next customers order as I called over Tiffany, my coworker, who hadn't left early today.

"I'm going on my break," I ran off before she could object. Tiffany was a lovely girl, she really was she just didn't have much of a work ethic.

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