{25} Dying

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As soon as I walked into the house Mason charged towards me and brought me in a hug. I slowly wrapped my arms around him, slightly confused. I don't know what reaction I was expecting from him but it definitely wasn't that.

"I fucked up yesterday Willow. I didn't mean what I said. I was just mad at Jacob and then you for taking his side. I'm sorry."

"It's alright," I smiled but he was still very fidgety. "What is it? I already told you I forgive you."

"Yeah I know but can you tell Julian that? I was complaining to him yesterday but once he heard what happened he got angry at me," he said nervously.

"I'll talk to him," I chuckled. I was glad to see that even though Mason and Julian were dating nothing would change in Julian and I's friendship, he'd always look out for me. 

"Was Evelyn okay?"

"I mean she was asleep that whole time so she's none the wiser about Jacob."

"What did she eat today?" I checked. I know I was being extreme but I felt guilty that I left her alone. I know the guys were here but she hasn't talked to them much. She's still adjusting to the move and her mom's passing. She spent most of her time cooped up in my room, it worries me. The only time she gets out is when I force her with my friends and I.

"I was supposed to feed her?" He asked with a confused look on his face.

"Well if she doesn't come down for food you need to make sure she eats you idiot," I scolded before going upstairs. I opened my door to see her perched on my bed, reading.

"Hi. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Mason told me you hadn't ate anything today."

"Oh sorry I got caught up in this book." She showed me the book I was reading when I had detention with Cole. My lips subconsciously lifted as I thought about how nervous I was to go to detention. The thought of spending an hour with Cole now didn't scare me at all.

"You like it?"

"Yeah. It's helping me cope with my Mom's death," her lips lifted into a small, sad smile.

"Well that's good to hear. You wanna talk about her? It might make you feel better."

"What about her?"

"I don't know. Maybe what she was like," I offered. I had never had to experience the death of a parent so I didn't know how to help. Sure my mom was absent but it's still not the same as her dying.

"She was all I had but she made it feel like that was enough. Just the two of us against the world. She always had a smile on her face even at the worst of times. I miss her a lot. Just knowing I'll never get another one of her comforting hugs scares me." I frowned at the sad look on her face but I hoped her talking about it would make her feel good in the end. 

"I'm so sorry Evelyn. I just want you to know I'm always gonna be here for you, if you wanna talk or even just sit in silence. I'm always one call away," I whispered. She really was too young to be dealing this. 

"Thank you Willow."

"For what?"

"For taking me in when you all have lives of your own. I appreciate it."

"Don't be silly. It's nothing. Your my sister."

"I've always wanted a sister," she whispered making me smile. She definitely took over her mother's looks, we looked nothing alike, but she was gorgeous girl. 

"Me too. Knowing Dad we've probably got quite a few others," I chuckled sitting next to her.

 "Where were you today?"

"Me and the boys got into a little disagreement so I stayed at a friends," I told her forgetting i could just tell her it was Cole because they had already met. She was surprisingly warm to Cole the day we took her back to his home. 



"How do you even know him? He's older than the rest of your friends." Her question made me falter. How was I supposed to respond to that? I didn't want to lie to her. 

"Are you hungry? I think I should make you some food."

"You didn't answer my-"

"Are you a picky eater?"

"No," she answered, seeming confused by the change of topics. Just as she spoke Lucas burst into my room with a cheery smile on his face. "Guess which guys just got a job," he cheered pointing to himself. 

I jumped up with a beam. "Really?"

"Uh-huh. And it pays fucking amazing."

"That's great," I exclaimed tackling him in a hug. "...Wait what's your job? Your not some sort of prostitute are you?"

"What no! I'm a bartender at a proper fancy bar. It's some rich people type of shit. They didn't even ask to see any qualifications. One look at my ghetto ass and they hired me on the spot. Apparently the rich enjoy paying way too much for cheap drinks I make, some sort of poor simulator."

"Bit weird but hey at least your getting coin."

"Movie night?"

"You bet," I grinned, pulling Evelyn off my bed. We spent the rest of the day lazing around. It was weird to have nothing to do. I'm always either with someone or something's happening that catches my attention.

 I spent some time convincing Julian not to be mad at Mason while I resisted the urge to text Cole, I didn't want to come across as clingy. Evelyn either didn't notice the disappearance of Dad or didn't care but I certainly wasn't going to be the bearer of bad news.

A/N Short chapter but I thought you guys would want to see the reconciliation, even if it was Willow immediately forgiving him. 

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