{8} Poodle

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At the end of the day I had managed to migrate back to Mr Mitchell's room. I have no clue how, so don't ask. I didn't have work today so we just sat around talking about the most random topics. "Is it normal to graduate as a teacher at 21? It seems quite early."

"I may have skipped a grade or two." 

I gaped at him, blinking to see if I heard correctly. "Huh?" Was the only thing I could come out with for the moment. Once I got my face in control I asked, "So what are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well you have to be some sort of prodigy to be able to skip two grades like light work."

"No I'm not."

I ignored him and continued, "You are a genius. Wow. Learn something new everyday. So were you the top of your class?" 

"I'm not a genius," he said, seeming embarrassed which intrigued me. He didn't strike me as an easily embarrassed type of guy. 

"I'd argue that point but lets say you're not a genius. You still have to be extremely smart. They probably hired you because they knew you were a genius." 

He stopped talking so I looked at him to see pink blotches blossoming on his cheeks and the tips of his ears were red. "Aww is the genius blushing?" I teased, going up to him and pinching his cheeks.

He pushed my hand away and grumbled incoherently. I decided to sit on his desk so I was closer to him. I rocked my legs back and forth as I observed this room. 

"You only teach in this room right?"

"Do you mind?" He asked motioning to his desk.

"Oh sorry," I said sheepishly, lifting my backside up off the desk ready to jump down. 

"I'm playing, stay there."

I flashed him a smile, patting his head fondly. "What shall I call you instead of Mr Mitchell? It's way too long. Mitch? Do you like Mitch? Do I like Mitch?"

"Call me Cole."

"Who's Cole?"

"Me," he chuckled.

"Forgot you had another name. Cole. I like it."

"Yeah?" He smiled.

"Yeah. It suits you."

"Anyways as I was saying before you rudely interrupted. Do you only teach in this room?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Why don't you decorate it? Add your own touch. Add a bit of pizzaz."

"Pizzaz?" He mused.

"You know what I mean," I tsked.

"Like what?"

"Change the display boards. Put a picture on your desk of your dog. Carve your initials onto the desk."

An unconventional love storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang