{17} Butterflies

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I wracked my brain for answers as I looked at the unknown number staring at me. Ethan. I answered quickly when I realised there's a chance it could be Ethan.


"Willow is that you?" A smile instantly came on my face as I heard Ethan's voice.

"Yeah it's me. How are you?"

"Better now that you've answered. Still up for that date?" Well he's very direct.

"Yeah I am."

"I'll pick you up tonight then."

"Tonight?" I squeaked.

"Is that going to be an issue?"

"No, not at all. Just a tip, next time you ask someone on a date at least give them one day's notice."

"I'll give you one day's notice next time."

"Already planning a second date?" I mused.

"I have a feeling this one will be very successful. See you at seven?"

"Seven's perfect."

"Great! I'll pick you up."

"Bye," I hung up. I squealed in happiness but nervousness soon came over me as I thought about what to wear. He never specified.

To: Ethan

What shall I wear?

From: Ethan

Business casual.

What on earth does that mean?  I quickly rang Cole because out of all my friends I have a feeling he would know. "Hi Cole. Don't want to skip the chit chat but what's business casual?"

"That's like fancy shit but the people that wear it think it's basic. Why?"

"Ethan told me to wear business casual for our date," I told him and he let out a snort. "This isn't a funny situation. I don't own any fancy clothes. What am I gonna do?"

"I say don't go. He sounds like a dick. Who says 'business casual' for a date?"

"I'm going."

"Well last time I checked I'm not fairy godmother so what do you want me to do?"

"I wanted your moral support you grump."

"What about that Bailey girl? Won't she have some clothes?" Bailey was the only girl in my life but we didn't borrow clothes and do girly gossip. I did that with Julian. Also we don't talk anymore so I couldn't ask for anything. 

She was still mad at me but she was still friends with Mason and Julian so she sat at our table but slowly she had distanced herself, although I don't think I was the reason. I don't mean it in a self-conceited way, she would hang around with someone she hates if it meant she could be with Mason.  

"No but speaking of Bailey she's been really AWOL recently I wonder if she's okay." I stopped when a thought hit me. My dad said Mason and Julian were now a thing. If it's true it would explain Bailey's absence. And Mason's still not home yet so I can't ask him. He had stayed over at Julian's.

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