{20} Fight

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I could feel my heart break as Evelyn sobbed the whole ride home. By the time we were at my house she had calmed down but there was no way you could miss the sadness in her eyes. Like they say, eyes are the window to the soul.

"You'll be sleeping on this bed." I showed her my room after giving her a house tour. Mason was home now and to say he looked confused was an understatement. "I know our house isn't anything crazy but hopefully it's enough. I'll be sleeping on the floor next to you so don't hesitate to tell me if you need anything."

"Thanks Willow," she yawned.

"It's nothing. How about you go to sleep? You've had a long day."

I thought about what I needed to do while she got changed in the bathroom. I'd have to enroll her in middle school tomorrow, hopefully they'd let me do it because I have a feeling Lucas won't do it. 

Money might be a struggle. It's already tight enough feeding three people. I'll have to force Mason to get a job. I might even need to hire a babysitter. Most of the time we're not here and I don't know how comfortable I feel leaving her alone, especially in our area.

I want to try give her a good life her but I can't even afford health insurance. Let's hope she doesn't get ill often. 

"Willow I need a toothbrush," she shouted from the bathroom.

"There should be some new ones in the cabinet under the sink." 

She came back with watery eyes. "Come here honey," I opened my arms. She hugged me tightly while I directed us to the bed. I spent the whole day holding her. I tried to think of comforting words but none seemed to fit. We got back at 12pm but she didn't fall asleep until 5, meaning I missed school and Cole. I hope he wasn't too tired at school. I shifted Evelyn off my lap and laid her down on the bed before going over to my makeshift bed.  

In less than five minutes I was in dreamland.


I woke up to pounding on the door. I looked over at Evelyn to see she was still asleep, she must be really exhausted to sleep through this noise.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes with my fists as I trudged down the stairs. Somehow I managed not to fall down. I opened the door to be greeted by a cop. "Good evening ma'am. Do you know a Jacob Moore?"

"Yeah. He's my dad. What has he done now?" He didn't answer me but he nodded in a different direction.

"You may want to move out of the way," he warned. I heard a faint set of steps before the cop walked away. He came back with another cop dragging my dad inside the house. He came in kicking and screaming.

"This is a violation of my rights," he slurred aggressively. 

"What happened to him?" I asked seeing all the blood on his face.

"He got into a bar fight. He's lucky we didn't arrest him," the other cop said as they threw him on the couch.

"Fuck you! You know I thought America was supposed to be the land of the free." They just ignored his drunken prattle. 

"Will you be able to handle him?"

"Yeah. He'll be fine." They didn't look too convinced but they still walked out. Let's just say this wasn't our first rodeo.

"Thank you officers," I called out after them. I looked up when I heard footsteps only to see Evelyn standing at the bottom of the stairs. This did not look good.

"Meet your dad," I chuckled nervously. Evelyn had seen him before twice but I doubt she remembered. Right now she looked quite scared. "Please can you go get the first aid kit? It's in the kitchen on top of the fridge."  We kept it in the kitchen because Dad normally doesn't make it upstairs. She scurried off with a nod.

"Dad what happened?"

"Julian's dad," he started.

"You got into a fight with Julian's dad?!" I exclaimed. He's gotten into fights multiple times but it's normally with a stranger. Let alone my best friend's dad.

Evelyn started walked to us cautiously with the first aid kit. Dad slammed his hand on the couch as hard as he could, due to his state it wasn't that hard but it still made Evelyn flinch. I knew he wouldn't hurt us so I waved her over. "Listen to me! Bert started going on about Julian and Mason." I tensed knowing this wouldn't end good. Julian's dad, Bert, wasn't the most supportive when it came to Julian's sexuality. 

"Masons our?"

"Brother. My twin and our older brother's called Lucas. He's 27 and we're 17," I quickly filled her in before letting dad continue. 

"He called his own son a fag and then started talking shit about Mason. He crossed the line and called Mason a fag so I showed him where to shove it." He was so focused on the story he didn't even notice Evelyn. 

"You shouldn't be saying that word but that's the spirit," I patted his shoulder, feeling sympathetic for Julian and Mason even though they had no clue what happened. Especially Julian, that's his own dad.

"Dad here's Evelyn, your daughter," I reminded him, knowing he wouldn't have a clue who she is. 

"Who's her mother?" He whispered so she wouldn't hear.

"Ava May but she's dead so don't talk about her," I whispered back while she opened the antiseptic.

"Oh I remember her. That woman was very talented. She could-"

"Don't finish that sentence."

A/N Sorry if you get offended by the slur. I wasn't too sure whether to put it in but he's a drunk, sloppy man so I doubt he'd tiptoe around the word.

If it makes you guys feel better I'm bi, although I don't use that slur unless I'm talking about a cigarette. 

I'm British luv xx

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