{12} Guns

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I grabbed my phone to see a notification from Cole. We didn't text much, trying to keep it as minimal as possible but sometimes we'd get carried away and spend a long time texting, just going from one topic to another.

I tried to open my phone but it was frozen. I hit it a few times to get it working but that only turned on Siri.

"Hey Siri text Cole."

"Calling Cole."

"No Siri. Text Cole not Call Cole," I said urgently but it was too late she was already calling Cole. I feel like ringing my teacher is a boundary that should not be crossed. "Siri you are not my friend," I huffed.

"Hello to you too," Cole chuckled.

"Siri," I groaned.

"Hate to break it you doll but I'm not Siri."

"Yeah I know that. Anyways I rang you by accident but it was Siri's fault."


"It is, I swear. My phones frozen and I asked Siri to text you but she called you." I jumped slightly when I heard a gunshot go off but I looked out the window curiously, forgetting I was on the phone. Who would shoot that early?

"I'm going to Aaron's. Mason's already left," Lucas shouted from downstairs, startling me again and I ended up dropping my phone. It landed on the bed so I just left it there.

"You might want to wait a while. Did you not just hear the gun shot?"

"It's only Demitri." One day he's going to get locked up and he won't have a get out of jail card. I can't believe he was so reckless.

"Okay. Have fun."

"I'm coming for you," I heard faintly. I looked at the bed to see my phone, realising Cole said that. My phone still was still frozen so there was no way I could contact him, Siri wasn't even working this time. I really need a new phone.

In less than ten minutes Cole was at my house. I walked outside with a sigh, could I not just have one normal day. 

"Cole what are you doing here?" I asked sweetly while looking around for Demitri but he was nowhere in sight.  Although there was a small blood trail. I'm not going to lie I was worried, very worried, about Demitri. 

"Get in," he demanded, looking the most serious I've ever seen him. As soon as I got in he started driving. 

"Where are we going?"

"Don't know. As long as your not here."

"It was just Demitri. No need to freak out," I said looking out the window as if Demitri was going to pop up. I just had a bad feeling that something was wrong, although I couldn't pinpoint what that something was.

"Oh yeah and who was he shooting?"

"No one. He was just doing it as a pastime." I was not a good liar and from the fact that my voice heightened I'm sure Cole could tell. He gave me a look that called my bluff. 

"What? He like guns."

"And I like your safety."

"Your being overdramatic." 

"Overdramatic," he scoffed.

"Yes. Demitri's gone now anyways so you can just drop me off back home." I wanted to go on a manhunt for Demitri but I'm not to sure Cole would approve of that. 

"I'd rather not."

"Well you can't keep me locked up in your car all day." I tried to hold down my shaking leg but I only drew more attention to it. 

"Why are you so jittery?"

"I'm worried about Demitri," I confessed.


"Why! He could be out there doing who knows what."

"Something illegal."

"Exactly. He could get arrested and who knows what'll happen then. Demitri has a good heart he just...doesn't use it."

"I thought you said he's been arrested quite a few times so why are you stressing?"

"Because I don't want him to spend the rest of his life there. I care about him. He doesn't have anyone to look after him which means he doesn't have anyone to push him on a straight path. No good influences," I finished off feeling much better than I did before. I think I just needed to get what I wanted to say for years out of my system. I guess in a way you could say I felt responsible for him since I was the only person in his life that seemed to care. 

"Your a good influence on him but it is not your job to sort his life out. He's old enough to do that himself and I know your worried but I'm sure everything will be fine. Worst comes to worst he does some time. It's not his first time, he'll be okay."

"I'm sorry for getting you involved with my life." He's my teacher he shouldn't be here listening to my problems or picking me up when a gunshot goes off. 

"I think you should start finding other ways to apologize," he joked making me smile.

"Mea culpa?"

"So what do you want to do to take your mind off everything?"

"I was planning on doing my hair today."

"What do you mean doing your hair?" He asked with an extremely confused look. He looked like a lost puppy, it was very endearing; I couldn't help but laugh.

"Bleach it."

"Bleach!" His eyes bulged out of his skull. 

"I'll explain later. Can you take me to CVS?" I had collected quite a few tips recently and decided to treat myself. I had dyed my hair from blonde to brunette not so long ago but I want a change again.

"Becoming your chauffeur am I?"

"Maybe," I teased. I never really liked getting rides anywhere with any of my friends because they would always try to buy whatever I wanted but because Cole is still my teacher he can't come in with me.

A/N I had never planned for there to be so much Demitri content but I like him so... Also he's like the only frequent 'bad character with a good heart' so I love him.

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