{35} Girlfriend

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Cole and I laid on opposite ends of the couch watching tv. Although it was becoming increasingly hard to focus on because every couple of minutes Cole would snatch the blanket. I frowned at him as he took all the blanket leaving me with nothing. 

"Stop hogging the blanket," I tugged it back on me.

"I'm not," he scoffed pulling it back.

"Yes you are and you have been this whole time." I pulled the blanket over my body. He pulled a face at me, snatching the blanket, pushing my legs with his foot. I took the blanket back giving him a little kick. I was not going to lose. I held the blanket tightly as he tried to pull it from me.

"Willow give it."

"Are you gonna share?"

"Yes," he grumbled laying the blanket over both of us. I gave him a sarcastic smile, looking back at the tv. I could slowly feel the blanket inching down my body and soon enough he had all the blanket. Again!

"That's it," I muttered, sitting up and grabbing the whole blanket. 


"Hello," I smiled holding the blanket out of his grasp. He tsked, sitting up and then lunged for me. I landed on the couch with an 'oof'. Before I knew it he starting tickling me. I flailed my legs trying to catch my breath but he didn't stop his attack.

"Cole...Stop," I giggled gasping as tears started to well up in my eyes. I was laughing so hard my stomach was hurting. I dropped the blanket⏤being long forgotten now. I tried to push his hands away but he was much stronger than me. My legs kicked even harder at the air. Somehow I'd managed to kick the large bottle of orange juice off the table and into our direction. I watched with wide eyes as it flipped over our heads spilling on to us. Cole stopped, I froze, everything became silent. 

After a long moment of stillness I burst out laughing, not being able to contain myself. Cole joined in, the orange juice dripping from the tips of his hair onto my forehead. 

"Ugh I'm all sticky," he complained breathless, his forehead coming to rest on mine while I controlled my giggles. Eventually I settled down looking in Cole's eyes. His arms caged me in so I had no way of moving. 

I don't know what came over me but I wrapped my arms around his neck running a hand through his hair. "You okay?" I asked when he let out a little groan.

He got so close the tips of our noses were basically touching. I swallowed thickly at the lack of proximity. "Willow?"

"Yeah?" My voice no louder than a whisper. 

"I'm gonna kiss you."

My breath stilled and before I knew it my mouth opened and I had no control over what I said. "What? Yeah that's fine. Like totally fine. Good even. I'm good with that. Are you good with that? of course your are or else you wouldn't of said⏤" Before I could continue a pair of lips came down on to mine. My body tensed, slowly relaxing as I kissed him back. My senses became overwhelmed, only focusing on one thing⏤him. 

I moved my lips gently against his, not believing this was actually happening. He pulled back but I didn't want to face reality so I pulled him back in, feeling him smirk against my lips. I let out a surprised yelp as he sat up, bringing me with him so I was sat on his lap, our lips still attached. I finally pulled back needing to breathe. I rested my forehead against his keeping my eyes close.

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