{15} Creepy

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It seems like the girls at school appreciated Cole's hair change; It was the only thing everyone was talking about. I couldn't help the pride that had risen in me. I had done a good job. Obviously I like his old hair but the icy blonde looked good on him, really really good.

I was into my last period, biology, when a familiar face walked in. Everyone looked in shock as Aaron walked in whereas Cole looked like he wanted to slap him. I smiled when Cole let out a little groan just from Aaron's presence. He carried on teaching like nothing happened while Aaron sat at his desk.

"I don't understand anything on this. I thought this was biology why is there chemicals involved?" Julian complained making me giggle.

"Ask for help then," I said trying to focus back on my work.

"Mr Mitchell!" He shouted.

"You interrupted his lesson. You should've just put your hand up," I whispered quickly because I did not want another detention. I chewed lightly a pen as I tried to concentrate, a bad habit⏤I know.

I looked up into Cole's eyes, now twirling the pen in my mouth, when I heard him start to cough. I scanned him in concern but he didn't look ill.

"I need help and Willow's not helping me," Julian said in an accusatory tone making me gasp.

"I don't really know what I'm doing myself," I justified. 

"Yeah right."

"Sorry," I pouted, fluttering my eyelashes, knowing I could get to him. Julian kind of treats me like a baby. I make a cute face and he instantly melts and I like to use that to my advantage.

I gazed up at Cole when he hadn't said anything only to see him tugging at his tie slightly. His eyes kept fleeting from me, to Julian, to Aaron. My brows furrowed when I saw Julian trying to hide his smirk whereas Aaron wasn't even trying to hide his laugh. He got a few looks but Cole would just tell them to get back to work. I looked at them all again, my pout deepening when I didn't get what was happening.

"What is it?"

"Why don't you ask Mr Mitchell?" Julian said, the amusement clear as day. 

"Willow do your work," he ordered before I could say anything.

"You guys are weird," I huffed. We were starting to get quite a few looks so Cole quickly explained what to do before going back to the front.

I tried to focus on Cole's teaching but I couldn't help but drift my eyes over to Aaron once I saw him searching through Cole's drawers. He seemed to have found what he was looking for because his face lit up. When Cole turned around to write on the board Aaron threw an eraser at him.

Cole turned around immediately not looking too happy. His eyes narrowed at the class before he looked at Aaron and a look of realisation appeared on his face. "Don't," he warned.

"Wasn't me," Aaron said, raising his hands.

"Oh yeah then who the f-who was it?" I smiled at his almost slip up. I enjoyed seeing how carefree he was with Aaron.

"Willow," he said immediately making my lips part in shock. Simultaneously they smirked and turned to me.

"I didn't do anything. It was Aaron. Ask Julian?"

"I don't know. I was pretty sure I saw you throwing an eraser."

"Julian! Your supposed to be on my side."

"Willow stay after class please."

"Yes Sir," I grumbled unhappily. I can't believe the lot of them ganged up on me. They looked way too happy that they made me stay back. 

"Will you stay with me?"

"No can do. I love you but I love my house more." I gave him a mean look. "Sorry kid," he shrugged carelessly. The bell rang, sparing Julian from any more of my mean looks that'd have him shaking in his boots.

When the last person left I sat on the desk closest to them. Girls used to linger after class to ask about questions they 'didn't understand' but recently they had backed off. I think they're getting used to having a hot teacher.

"You know I didn't throw anything at you so why did you go along with it?" I narrowed my eyes. 

"I've told you once and I'll tell you again your reactions are too good. They're so cute," Cole said squishing my face with one hand making my cheeks heat up. Well he never told me that second part. 

"Next time I hope he throws something that hurts you like a bottle. A metal one," I said after prying his hand off my face.

"Ouch. Never knew you could be so violent Willow," he teased.

"Hi guys you know I am here as well," Aaron piped in.

"You two are supposed to be adults and framing me is your version of fun."

"Yeah yeah yeah. I heard you work at bakery."

"You already know I work there. I told you ages ago."

"You see most times when you talk it goes in one ear and out the other," Aaron said pretending to doze off making me gasp in offence. 

"Your a lot like Cole you know?"

"What? No he's not."

"Yes he is."

"Give me some love sugar," Aaron spread his arms open and started to kiss the air.

"Okay so maybe your not as alike as I thought."

"Thank you," Cole sighed standing next to me.

"Anyways are you working today? I want to pay you a surprise visit." I went to answer, deciding I wasn't going to explain that's not how surprises work, when Cole did it for me.

"No. She works on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. I probably shouldn't of told you that. Don't go stalk the poor girl." Aaron didn't even talk offence to the stalking comment, he just looked at Cole in shock, as did I.

"I can't tell if it's creepy or cute that you know her work schedule," Aaron said with a goofy smile.

"It's not creepy. I know because I go a lot. I like the food there, okay?" He said frustrated.

"I didn't say anything."

"Your face said it all."

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