Royal Doctor nods before he took a few pregnancy kits and tools to drain blood samples. Yeong looks at him curiously, while Lady Noh lets out surprised gasps. Yeong turns to Lady Noh who seems, not worried anymore but excited for some reason.

"Mama, I want some urine sample to test this." Dr. Song said to him with a small bow.

"Mam, Should I send you someone to help you?" Lady Noh asks. But Yeong shakes his head with a little embarrassment.

After getting the urine sample, Dr. Song drains the blood sample while waiting for pregnancy kit results. And send the blood sample to Royal Hospital for further test, before giving Yeong some pain reveal medicine.

"Dr. Song, what is the result?" Lady Noh asks excitedly, but same time worried about Queen.

Royal Doctor checked every Pregnancy kit before looks at them with a smile.

"Congratulation, Mama." Dr. Song stands and bows deeply to Yeong, who is confused before understanding what the doctor means.

"Omo, Omo, Oh my God, Yeongah!" Lady Noh shouts happily before walking to Yeong's bed and Hugs him. He hugs her mother-like figure with teary eyes.

"I am really happy Mama. I was so worried when I found you ask for a doctor." Lady Noh said looking at him proudly. And then remembering something she looks at the royal doctor.

"Dr. Song, when we can know, more details? Should we come to the Hospital?" Lady Noh asks.

"No, Mamaniem, I sent the blood sample, we can get its result in 1 hour. And don't worry about coming to the hospital, because Pyeha already told us to prepare the palace infirmary for any situation before the royal wedding, and we have everything here if something comes up." The royal doctor explains to them.

"That's good then." Lady Noh replied smiling before standing.

"Oh I almost forget, Can he eat anything today? Should we prepare anything special?" She asks again.

"Mamaniem, don't worry. His highness can eat anything. But for today, a light meal is suitable for him. His highness got muscle cramp because of hard-working after a long time. And after getting some rest with a light meal and medicine, His highness will be okay. And I will send Royal Obstetrician specialist, Mrs. Kim, after blood results. His highness can ask anything from her." The royal doctor replied.

"Okay. Thank you, Dr. Song." Lady Noh thanks him before seeing him out.

"Wait, Dr. Song" Yeong stops them from leaving.

"Yes, Mama."

"Don't tell Pyeha or anyone about this. I will tell Pyeha myself. And I want him to be first-person to hear this news other than you two." Yeong said to them.

"Yes, Mama. I will. And I will come back later with blood results and Dr. Kim." Royal Doctor bows.

"Thank you doctor" Yeong nods.


Lee Gon walks to Yeong, who is asleep. And sits beside the sleeping figure. He moves younger's fallen hair out from younger's face.

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