83 - The most beautiful gift

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Our life together is something wonderfully unexpected, I knew that my happiness would be only next to him but I couldn't imagine that it would be like this, it's joy every single moment together while time passes quickly, the baby grows and my abdomen consequently becomes more and more prominent.

Can decided to document this pregnancy moment by moment taking pictures of me every week starting from the first moments, with the baby bump just rounded, and then every change while time goes by fast and the baby bump grows exponentially. We didn't want to know the sex, it will be a surprise at the time of the birth that is now closer and closer, we are both impatient to meet and hold our angel in our arms.

I want to surprise him in anticipation of his birthday, which will be the next day, so when he asks me to get ready for the usual weekly photo, which is taken strictly in the same corner of the bedroom, while he goes to the living room to get the camera I tie a nice red bow on my belly and on my head to keep my hair tied.

When he re-enters the room I greet him by spreading my arms smiling with a " Best wishes in advance aşkım my love, here are your birthday presents! "

He looks at me smiling excitedly, brings himself behind me to hug me putting his hands on my belly, places a kiss on my neck and then whispers into my hair.

- I can't wish for anything more, you are my most beautiful present -

Just at that moment the baby decides to make his presence felt by kicking vigorously right where his hand is placed, we are both laughing at the exuberance that seems to show more and more every day, when I feel something strange, I lower my gaze and remain breathless with surprise.
- Caaaaan!!!!
My water broke! -

The posed and self-confident man I'm used to having next to me disappears instantly replaced by the next new father completely panicked, he melts from the hug and runs to the bathroom, we don't know what for, he comes back in the room, looks around, looks at me, goes out of the room door and comes back a few moments later with the suitcase we have prepared for the hospital - Haydi, haydi, come on let's go to the hospital Sanem soon! -

I can't help but smile, it's too cute! - Can, I have almost no pain except for a slight backache since this morning, I think we can take things slowly what do you say? -

He looks at me with a look somewhere between terrified and questioning and I can't help but laugh at his expression as I head for the bathroom to get ready to leave, it's going to be a long night I imagine.
It's exactly like that, when we arrive at the hospital and get settled in a room it will be hours before the contractions get closer together, it's not easy but his presence near me, his gentle massages on my back, his constantly holding my hand while keeping a protective arm on my shoulders helping me to walk to facilitate the birth, make me feel loved and protected.

That's how my albatross is, he takes care in every way of the mate he has chosen for life as well as the nest he has created in anticipation of the arrival of his young.
He has spent the last two months renovating the house we bought from Mihriban, preparing the baby's room by applying cheerful wallpaper on the walls with pelicans and little boats, furnishing it with white wicker furniture, the cradle that our grandparents gave us, and finally applying thousands of stars to the ceiling that magically become phosphorescent in the dark. Everything is beautiful and ready to welcome this little being who will be a little me and a little him and who will be the joy of our hearts.

The hours since we've been in the hospital seem endless, the pains getting closer and closer and almost intolerable in intensity and duration, it's morning by now when they finally take me to the delivery room and Can is made to get dressed in a gown and cap to be close to me during the delivery.
I look at him amused despite the tiredness and the constant pain in my back, he manages to be sexy even dressed like that.
He's very worried, even if he tries to mask it, I can see a frustrated expression because of the feeling of helplessness that he obviously feels because he can't help me.
- I can't see you in so much pain Sanem - he tells me at one point and I can't help but smile at his sweetness.
- Our baby is worth it, isn't it? -

These are the last words we manage to exchange because now we are there, the midwife joins us and starts to encourage me to push, I firmly hold her hand while I push with all the strength I have left after a whole night of exhausting pain.

- Come on Sanem aşkım my love it's almost done, one last effort and it will be over and we can hug our little angel -

He caresses my forehead and kisses me on the temple and then takes my hand with both his and brings it to his lips, his love gives me courage, one last push in which I put all the residual strength I feel I have and finally the baby is born.

Eternal moments pass in which we don't even dare to breathe and then finally his wonderful cry brings our hearts to beat at a frantic rhythm and our eyes to get wet with tears of commotion.

We looked into each other's eyes for a moment to declare once again our infinite love and then we turned our attention to the midwife who came towards us smiling.

- Babam, anne, here is your baby girl.

She hands it to Can who holds that tiny being in his huge arms, instinctively bringing her against his heart with a sigh of joy while he devours her with his eyes, as if to fix her features in his mind in an indelible way.

He turns towards me with his eyes full of tears of emotion - She's beautiful just like her mother, look at Sanem - He brings her close to me as if to give her to me but I stop him shaking my head and putting my hand on his cheek.

- Best wishes Can, happy birthday, this is my present for you -

He smiles and continues to look at her almost incredulously - Can there be a more beautiful gift than this? - The nurse approaches discreetly to tell us that she needs to take the baby for routine checks, Can reluctantly allows her to take her away, struggling to even take his eyes off her, knowing full well that it is necessary.

We only manage to talk once I'm taken back to my room, Can sits on the bed next to me, takes my hand as he strokes my hair looking deeply into my eyes smiling - It's a girl Sanem, my little girl, my princess, we never talked about names, because we didn't know if it was a boy or a girl, but I've long had a name in mind to propose to you if it was a girl -

I look at him questioningly.

- I'd like to call her Kiraz, after all, it's our dream come true, isn't it? We both wanted that little girl to be ours and now giving the same name to our daughter seems to me a way to give her even more value, because she is the fruit of our love and our desire that has come true, what do you think? -

- Oh Can, can you believe I had the same thought?

That little girl made us wish for the impossible when all seemed lost, maybe that sudden wish gave us the strength to hope again, to believe that there could still be a future for us, it gave us the chance to find ourselves and rediscover ourselves. I like to think that our Kiraz, cherry, is in the end what they say "the icing on the cake" of our great love Can, the completion and fulfillment -

He reaches out to place a quick kiss on my lips looking at me with all the love and joy possible.

- You made me live the best birthday ever Sanem, it will be a joy from now on to celebrate together with her every year to come, you gave me the most beautiful gift aşkım and you gave it to me not only for now but for life -

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