71 - Together forever

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I knew that winning back Sanem's trust and heart would not be easy but I was sure that all the efforts would pay off once I had her back in my arms where, by now I was sure, she belonged forever.
The experience we shared in the afternoon on the beach and tonight in the intimacy of our wedding night was something I could never have imagined.

That night in Sila I had experienced with her sensations of a shocking intensity and a pleasure that I had never experienced before, probably because, never before, I had 'loved' the body of a woman in the fullest sense of the term.
I realised even then, even if my thoughts and feelings were decidedly confused, that what we shared was special and powerful and I felt a sense of belonging I had never experienced in my life.

The months of distance and the prospect of losing her for good, once the divorce papers were received, had led me to realise that I wanted her, I wanted her forever, she was mine as I had been hers forever and ever.
All the efforts made to win her back by going in search of her in Cornwall and then following her to California, led us finally to that sudden kiss in the waves of the sea, led us to be us again, together, free of doubts or hesitations, free to love each other finally as husband and wife.

I was certain that our first 'real' wedding night would be something magical and exhilarating, I knew that our bodies and souls would be able to recognise and give themselves to each other as only those who share a great love like ours can think of doing, I was sure of it.

But all my certainties were swept away by an experience of love and passion so incredible that not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined.
Every caress, every kiss, every sigh was something unique and special because it was amplified by the strength of the feeling that has always bound us together, even since I can't remember but I feel it deeply rooted in my heart.

Every moment of this wonderful night was precious, we discovered and recognised each other at the same time, we gave and received, we loved each other with every fibre of our bodies and our hearts were finally ready to open up and give the other all of themselves.

The morning light of the next day found us together, locked in an embrace of joy and fulfilment. I opened my eyes and first thing I saw was his beautiful face resting on my shoulder, his breath against mine, we had been sleeping together for days but this time our bodies together had a whole new flavour and meaning.

It was the first day of our forever together, of our married life, of our .... and they lived happily ever after and I couldn't wait to spoil her, amaze her, adore her, enjoy her and love her with all my being as I had promised myself I would do since I had decided she was the one for me.

I knew that this moment would come one day and I had started to prepare everything that was necessary to move towards our future together, which had to be nothing more than the realisation of the dream that she deserved to live after all that she had had to go through because of me.

She slowly opened her eyes and gave me what I love and excite me the most in this world, her beautiful smile, the one that has always made me go crazy and lose my head for this wonderful woman.

- Günaydın Sanem aşkım, good morning my love, welcome to our forever -

- Günaydın Can aşkım, good morning my love, welcome to my life now and forever -

This is the greeting that awaits us in the morning every day to come, every awakening after nights of endless love and desire, days between work commitments and stolen moments of passion at every opportunity, days when we love and know each other as never before.
Every moment we live together is a dream of unhoped-for and unthought-of joy, I would never have imagined I could be so happy next to someone, me, Can Divit, who had always flown alone over oceans and mountains with no ties, leaving everything and everyone behind.

We both started working, trying to match my schedule in downtown San Diego with his so that we could spend the remaining time working together on our beautiful terrace overlooking the sea and living our crazy, intense love in every free moment, hardly able to keep our hands off each other, driven at every moment to touch and hold each other in breathtaking hugs and kisses.

Everything is ready, I've arranged everything, today is the big day and I want everything to be perfect for her, for her to live her dream as a little girl, what she has dreamed of for so long and circumstances have prevented in the past, it's only right that it should be so.

It's Saturday and we have no work commitments, I wake her up tenderly and tell her to get ready for a day out, it's a surprise, she looks at me and smiles that wonderful smile of hers that every time moves me enormously, today more than ever.

We leave the house hand in hand and I see her excited and curious to know what I have prepared for her, I drive to the end of a road that runs along the sea, the beach is partially covered by a wooden building with a roof of palm leaves, she gives me a questioning look.

I get out and walk around the car to open the door and offer her my hand, smiling invitingly.

- Come my love, my surprise is waiting for you, let's go towards our future..... a future to live together forever -

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