78 - Home

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We are in paradise, we are in a paradise on earth and I finally feel in paradise in his arms and on his heart.
From our rapprochement in San Diego, the wedding, the journey up to here and now the wonder that surrounds us in this corner of the world, I feel like I am living a long, wonderful, endless dream.
His presence, his love, his tenderness, his loving gaze, his touch, everything about him makes me dream, being in this earthly paradise held in his embrace seems like the most beautiful and precious dream.

We have seen every wonder of nature during this long sea voyage, he has fulfilled my dream of seeing albatrosses and the Galapagos while he has made me live a whole new one made of passion and boundless love which, now that we know we are expecting a child, seems to have amplified in complicity and a sense of mutual belonging.

He has promised to make me happy and spoil my Can, but since he has discovered that I am expecting his baby he has surpassed himself in attention and tenderness. I am discovering a new side of him, yet another, the possessive and protective one who cannot help but worry and do his best to ensure that my every wish or need is met almost before I can recognise it myself.
It's wonderful my albatross that, like the majestic bird we have admired during this long journey, stays close to its mate to make her happy and protect her, I love it even more if possible for this new aspect of it.

We have left San Diego for more than two months now and we have been on Isla de San Cristòbal for almost a fortnight, Can has rented a small boungalow for us so that I am more comfortable than in the cramped spaces of the boat.
It's all so beautiful, it's wonderful this place but it's beautiful above all to be together, away from everyone and reality, in a space where only we and our new way of living each other seem to exist, it's wonderful but we both know we can't stay here forever. Life, our life, is waiting for us elsewhere and it's Can who addresses it on a warm night, sitting on the beach he holds me snuggled between his legs and leaning against his chest as we look at a sky of millions of stars.

- Aşkım my love, everything we are experiencing is incredible, wonderful, but we can't stay here forever, you need to do all the medical tests necessary at this stage of pregnancy and it's time to go back -

I turn to look him in the eyes, sorry, but aware that he is right, this is what has to be done and we can't put it off forever even if we both want to.

- Are we going back to Istanbul? How long will it take to get back? -

- If we were to return by boat it would take a long time and I don't want to drag you around the ocean for weeks in your condition, you would get too tired and we would be far from any sign of civilization for too long in case of need.
I have brought you to Isla de San Cristóbal because there is an international airport here from where we can take a direct flight to the Canary Islands and then another one to Istanbul, what do you think? I've already made contact with a good friend of mine who will take care of getting our boat back to Turkey at a leisurely pace.

- Oh Can you are so dear, so thoughtful in everything about me, you're right, it's time to go back, our life together is waiting for us and it's time to go home, I've missed my land all these months and for me it doesn't matter where I am, it's enough to have you near me to be happy.

He wraps his strong arms around me and hides his face in the crook of my neck whispering softly - For me where you are is home Sanem, it was Cornwall like San Diego and now here.
You are enough for me to be home -

I embrace his arms holding me tight against his chest - Seni çok seviyorum I love you so much Can -

- Ben de seni seviyorum I love you so much too Sanem, my one and only -

We stay on the island for another week before taking a flight to Tenerife and then another one to Istanbul, after almost a whole day in the air I am tired but excited when I recognise the Bosphorus strait below us as we descend in altitude and prepare to land.

Layla and Emre will pick us up, it seems like a century since I saw them in San Diego for our "wedding" and it seems like an eternity since I left this city convinced that I had to start a new life without him.

Re-embracing my sister and immersing myself in the chaotic traffic of Istanbul seems strange and strangely familiar, we arrive at the Mihriban estate at almost sunset. Emre and Layla greet us in the square in front of the main gate, I start down the driveway while Can carries our bulky suitcases when at a certain point, at the height of the driveway leading to the annex where he has lived since your return, I hear him stop and call me.

I turn to look at him questioningly, he has left his suitcases and extends a hand towards me in an inviting gesture.

- Come with me Sanem -

I take his hand which guides me towards the entrance door of the annexe, he pulls the keys out of his pocket and opens it after which he takes me in his arms catching me completely off guard so much so that I instinctively cling to his neck screaming - Can? -

- Come my beautiful wife, I want to take you to our new home as befits a new bride -

- Our new home? -

- Yes, I contacted Mihriban a few months ago and asked her to sell us this house, it's bigger than the one you were occupying, has a swimming pool and most importantly two bedrooms to accommodate our children.

-Our children? -

- Evet, didn't I tell you I want lots of children? For the moment we have two bedrooms available, then we'll see if it will be necessary to add new portions of the house to make room for the others -

- Others? Can Divit, how many children do you want exactly? -

- As many as Allah wills Sanem, they'll all be a wonderful blessing and if they look like mum I'll be the luckiest man on earth! -

- Oh Can! -

- Come on Mrs Divit, come to our new home and let's start living our new life together aşkım my love, now and forever together -

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