Chapter 40

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"Did you guys have a nice trip?" Johannah asks once Louis and his mother's embrace ends.

"Yes Johannah, it was long, but the drive from the airport to her was very lovely and worth it," I say with a smile.

"Dad, I mean Louis. I need help!" Jonah yells from the bathroom.

"What do you need baby?" I question. Naturally, this is my motherly instinct to need to help my son every second of the day. I know that one day he will no longer need me, so I try to be needed as much as possible while I can still cherish the moment.

"I don't know how to flush the toilet, this one's weird," Jonah yells back, and I giggle. I start to move to help him, but Louis refuses to let me.

"I've got it, you relax for a bit. When I come back, I'll show you around and help you unpack," He says, kissing me on the forehead.

I love him.

I don't understand how I got lucky. He is everything I have wanted for Jonah and more. He doesn't just fill a void in my life that Jonah can't, but he has also become a father figure for Jonah. Every time Jonah slips up and calls Louis dad my heart skips a beat.

This is what I want.

This is what I have wanted for the longest time. I have dreamed of the day when I would meet someone who loves my kid, just as much as me, maybe even more. I know that even if we aren't together that we will end up together. Louis never once treated me differently, and he's never threatened our safety. Louis has become home. That's how I know he's the one I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with.

He feels like home.

"Seems like she's in a bit of a daydream," Emily says jokingly, breaking me from my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I say laughing, to indicate that I found no offense to her comment.

"It's okay sweetheart, you're not the first one to get caught up in a daydream about my son." Johannah laughs. "But I have a feeling you may be the last." She smiles sweetly at me.

"Really? What makes you say that?" I say, curious if her son had said anything to her.

"It's just a mother thing. When the time comes, you'll understand dear." She says smiling. "They grow up so fast. One minute they are asking you to tie their shoes and the next they are bringing home their future wife halfway across the world to meet the family. Enjoy it while it lasts."

Johannah has been nothing but kind to me since I walked in the door, and it's such a relief. I know that Louis said I had nothing to worry about, but part of me had doubts. I've only been here for 15 minutes and they've already managed to make me feel like family.

"He's really good with him," Johannah says.

"He really is," I say smiling, thinking about what it would be like if I could give him a child of his own. He has been nothing but loving towards Jonah, and it warms my heart. I know that he will be an amazing father.

"Louis has already told us so much about you. We were so excited when he said that you lot were coming to spend the holidays with us. We rarely get to see Lou anymore, and he almost didn't make the trip because he didn't want to leave you and Jonah behind." Emily says smiling. I know she lovingly says this because she loves her brother.

"What do you mean?" I ask skeptically.

"He didn't really give us the details on his reasoning behind that, but that's how we knew you were special. Lou never misses an opportunity to come home, especially since it's hard for him to come home with school and other stuff." Emily says.

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