DDM: Your Wedding Day

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Your Age - 25 y/o
Your Name - Y/N


I was all ready for my day. It was my wedding. My dress was all beautiful and elegant. I had my veil set on my head. "Ready for your day?" My mom asked. I smiled at her and took a deep breath.

"May I?" Dad called out from outside the door. "Of course honey" Mom answered. 

I turned around and saw my dad standing still, looking at me with teary eyes. "How do I look Dad?" I asked without moving and inch. 

"You look like a princess my love, so beautiful, so, so much beautiful" He complimented and came towards me. He engulfed me in a hug and kissed my forehead.

"Why did you become a big girl, so sudden?" He looked at me. "Well, even if I am a big girl now but I'll always be your baby right?" I asked and he nodded. "Always honey, always" He hugged me and my mom. 

"Ready to take her down the aisle" A lady said and we all parted. "Let's go" He said and I nodded.

Mom went before to stand with the relatives. Dad held my hand and we started walking together.

I was getting nervous and my dad sensed so he gripped my hand a little tightly to remind me he was there for me.

I looked up to see my soon to be husband. My dad gave my hand into his but before leaving, he got closer to him and said in his ear, "You better take care of her, Tomlinson" He chuckled and promised. And the wedding ceremony began.


"And that was my little, sweet experience before the wedding" I told my daughter who was to get married soon. 

"Dad, make sure you do everything like Grandpa did" She told Jason, my husband. He and I both chuckled.

"I'll do exactly what he did baby, don't worry" He kissed her forehead and sat down with us to watch our wedding video again for the 100th time. 


I hope you all like it. I tried to make it a little different.

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Thank you. 

All the Love. Xoxo

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