DDM: You get in trouble *Requested*

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This chapter is dedicated to @Oned___10 . Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it.


Your Name - Y/N
Your Age - 3 y/o


Harry's POV 

Olivia and I are sitting in the backyard with our daughter Y/N. She is playing quietly with her toys meanwhile Olive and I are talking about some stuff. 

"Daddaa" Suddenly, Y/N yelled for me. "What is it love?" I thought a bug or something might have hurt her. 

When I reached for her. She grabbed my hand and bit me. "Oww" I pulled my hand back and was surprised at her behavior. 

"Why would you do this?" I asked her. Olivia took my hand and started rubbing the bitten area.

Instead of answering my question, Y/N stood up and came towards me. 

I was looking at her for an answer but she again reached for me to bite on my cheek. "Y/N, What are you doing missy?" I was getting angry at her.

"Y/N, Why are you biting daddy?" Olivia asked her clearly as shocked as I was. 

"It is fun mommy" She replied and started giggling.

"No, it is not fun Y/N, it hurts daddy" I told her. "Biting someone is not fun love, bad kids bite and you are not a bad girl right?" I was trying to teach her.

"But I saw Chrissy biting May and Chrissy said it is fun" She told me about our neighbor's daughters. 

I looked at Olivia after knowing where she learned it from. 

"YOU STOP RIGHT THERE Y/N" She tried to bite me again and I had enough. 

"You are in a time out and no toys for the rest of the day" I took her inside, Olivia tried to stop me by grabbing my arm but I didn't.

I took her into the living room and by now she started crying. "Stand here until I tell you to move and give me that stuffy" I told her and took the toy she was holding. 

"Daddy, not stuffy" She cried for her toy. 

"Harry, she is a child, she doesn't know anything" My wife told me. "She will now" I was mad because even though I tried to tell her NO two times, she again bit me and this behavior should not be tolerable.


It had been 15 minutes and we could hear light sobs coming from Y/N.

"We really need to talk to the neighbors or we need to stop Y/N from playing with them. I don't want bad influence on her from such a young age" I told Olivia, who nodded.

"Harry, I think you should go and talk to her now" I nodded my head and went to the living  room.

I sat down on the floor beside her. "Look at me" She looked at me with watery eyes. 

"I am sowwy, daddy" She apologized between her sobs. "No biting anymore, okay?" I told her and held my pinky for her to make a promise. 

"I powmise, No biting" She pinky promised and I hugged her tightly. She stayed in my arms for long enough and I continuously gave her light kisses on her forehead because they're her favorite. 


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