Chapter Thirty Eight + Unedited

Começar do início

"Well", Daniel said, not appreciating your praise about him. "Would you have been able to do the same for your bestfriend?"

You laughed. "Oh, no, I bet you wouldn't do the same for me", you spread out your arms as though about to make an important announcement. Taking a deep breath before exploding to him, "It's your fault that I encounter Yana, so please leave me for now"

Abruptly ending the conversation at that, you returned once more to your abandon paper. The formulas, one you couldn't begin to understand even if you had already studied it for a long while and now you have the urge to call Jake for help. You were beginning to contemplate it when you happened to hear two words from Jungwon, firm and leaving no room for disagreement.

"Let's leave", It was he who grabbed Daniel to stand up instantly, making you look away from the paper and to him.

For a shortest of moments, you thought Sunoo would be following the two of them and just as he was about, Jungwon gestured for him to stay. Daniel was muttering under his breath as he quickly gathers their things upon receiving the order of his bestfriend - because it was clearly an order and they both left the table.

Casting a glance around this part of the library, you realized you were completely alone with Sunoo and he took the opportunity to slide into the chair directly across you.

He made no effort to made it seem like he was working. He tilted his head, considering you closely. "How are you doing, Y/N?", he asked. "Are you okay from the encounter with Yana?"

You smiled, but it fell away again almost immediately. "It's nice for you to ask, but I'm just really doing my best to forget it all"

"That's an unhealthy way of coping with it", Sunoo said and then, to your surprise, he reached out and touched the side of his face. You felt the heat of his hand on your skin, impossibly soft, but before you could react, he pulled away again, looking embarrassed.

"I know it's not a good advice, but Heeseung is too big of a risk to take for you to continue being with him", he paused and looked out for anyone who might hear. "And if I am right, it can't be the best to pursue any boy, either"

You lowered your eyes, being touched by his reminder. "I know", you said and looked up to him sadly. "But I have my reasons to stay with him, and I can't take it back until it's done"

There was that smile again, slight and almost sweet, playing at the corner of his lips. "It's okay. You don' have to tell me what is it. I can wait for an explanation later", Sunoo concluded.

"Thank you", you said, knowing he could hear the ring of truth in your words.

If Sunoo cared to study you, he would find no sign of deception other than you being grateful to him, to gain him as a friend. Instead of looking away, he continued to watch you and to your uttermost surprise, he looked at you as if you were the most intriguing puzzle that had ever been presented to him. In the end, you were the one to draw back from that kind of stare, hiding yourself behind the protection of your book.

But already, your eyelids felt heavy as he starts to hum quietly while still staring at you. For a short time, he feels like the past of your first meeting with him, inside the tent with him sleeping back to back. You blinked a few times, thinking of the hours ahead of you in this table that felt like an island, small enough for only the two of you, but large enough to keep the rest of the world at bay.

To All The Boys You've Loved Before 💌 Enhypen x Reader [ On-Hold ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora