I got up from the bed.

"Did we get cut off again? I couldn't hear what he said." I shook my head.

I changed, then waited by the window.

Does this mean we lost connection? How does he even form such a thing? I asked myself.

Will that mean getting that connection back will be harder from her on out? If that's true does this mean they are actually in this world? I looked over at Nolan.

"Was it truly a good idea to bring the along?" I shook that thought away and waited.

I felt like I had to wait forever for everyone to wake up and finish eating.

"Okay were all done now, right?" I groaned.

They nodded. I called Storm and mounted him.

"You're leaving already?" A voice called from behind me.

I turned to Storm around and saw Cora.

"You're not going to follow us are you?" I asked.

"No I just came to say bye and ask if you were able to gain what you guys wanted." I nodded.

"We are about to head through Tinter and check out a church, then a mansion near the ocean." Cora had a puzzled look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Nolan asked.

"It's just strange. I never heard of a church past Tinter." She replied.

"Now this is making me even more curious on what's hidden inside." I smiled.

"Hey, don't get too carried away." Nolan hit me in the head with the flat side of his blade.

I pushed his sword away and rubbed my head.

"I wouldn't do such a thing, maybe." I replied.

"Well we can get going now and check if the church is actually real." Julie said.

"I guess were going now then." I turned Storm around and waved bye to Cora.

"Hey Asher," I looked over at Julie.

"Can you share some of your water? I already ran out." I nodded and tossed the water canteen to her.

"Thank you." She said after she took a sip.

She then tossed it back. I took another drink before closing the cap. Sundown came and we set up camp for the night. I brought the horse to a nearby lake and refilled the Canteens. Skylark came along as well to drink some of the lake water as well. I took out some sugar cubes and gave it to the horses then watched them eat the grass. A bird landed next to me but flew away as a shadow loomed over me. Skylark barked at the bird. I looked up to see who the shadow was.

"Hello Julie, how are you?" I smiled.

"What are you doing? The horses might run off." She pointed at the horses.

"Do you not trust them? They are just eating grass peacefully."

I patted the ground next to me. Julie sat down next to me. "

"Of course I trust Riel but," I turned my head towards her.

"You're afraid of losing her?" She nodded.

"Well I don't think you should worry." I looked over a Riel.

"She seems to be very attached to you." I lied down.

"Anyways what's really bugging you? Is it the flower?" She clenched onto the grass.

"Seems I was right." I praised myself.

Collided Fate: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now