Chapter 29: Mari the Goddess of Dreams and Uriel the Archangel

Start from the beginning

"Well before I tell, can I ask you a question?" Mari nodded.

"Okay please tell me the truth. You're a god aren't you Mari?" Mari's face lit up which caught me by surprise but I didn't let it show.

Mari tackled me.

"It's really you Audrey. I've missed you! I thought I never see you again!" She began asking me a barrage of questions with a smile on her face.

"Uh, I am sorry but my name is Asher Keith and I don't know an Audrey." Her smile faded away.

"You look just like her." She sighed.

"Wait a minute!"

Mari ran to the opposite side of the room.

"Your Asher the one who killed two gods already! Am I you next victim?" She covered her face with her hands.

"Could you at least cover you face before you kill me? I don't want to see a person with Audrey's face to kill me." She actually was giving me a chance to kill her and she wasn't lying.

"So you're a god then?" Mari nodded.

"Seems like you are attached to this Audrey and you don't want to kill me is that right?" I asked.

"Yes. As a matter of fact I never wanted to even come here, but I was forced too." She still wasn't lying.

"I never wanted this Angel either but I am too keep it away from you or she'll kill me but doesn't matter if you'll kill me anyways." I sat down.

"Don't talk like that. Your life seems to be important to that girl. You have no intention of killing me so neither do I." Mari removed her hand from her face.

"Y-y-you won't kill me?" I nodded.

"Yeah I won't but I still need the Archangel within you." I pointed at her arm.

"No!" Mari yelled. "If I did that and returned back to her I'll never be able to see Audrey or anyone again! I can't! I can't! I don't want to forget them! I can't give this to you!" She continued rambling.

The ground started to shake.

"Hey!" I shouted.

She stopped and the ground did as well.

"Audrey, she's a dear friend to you right?" Mari nodded slowly.

I drew both of my swords and thrusted my blade into the ground.

"Very well. I'll make you a promise to you here and now. I will protect you to the best of my abilities and you promise that you'll hand the Archangel to me." She looked at me.

"Are you sure the gods will turn on you?" I smiled.

"Yes I am positive, besides I already have gods against me." I held out my pinkie finger.

"I promise." I said confidently.

She reluctantly came up to me. She held out her pinkie and locked them with mine.

"The promise is made and now to hold your end of the bargain." I held out with my palm facing upwards.

Mari put her hand on top of mine. I closed my eyes. Once I reopened them Remiel and Belphegor were standing beside me. Standing in front of me was Mari with an Angel beside her.

"So was this the place you were talking about Remiel?" Remiel nodded.

"It's a bit bright here if you ask me." remarked Belphegor.

"Remiel do you know this Archangel? The angel was holding a sword in one hand.

"My name is Uriel." answered Uriel.

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