Chapter 19: A Trap

Start from the beginning

"Glad she didn't climb up as well. Guess I going hunting by myself then."

I started walking through the woods following behind animal tracks until I spotted a wild boar. I snuck into it's blind spot without it noticing me and killed it using wind magic. I inspected my kill before I carried it back with a few fish that I caught in tow. I started another fire and began to prepare the boar and fish to eat. I noticed Julie getting up and she walked over to me, while rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning" she yawned.

"Good morning to you too." She sat down next to me.

She was still half asleep.

"Yesterday was chaotic wasn't it. Is that girl one of the crazy ones your were talking about," Julie asked.

Julie kept nodding off until she ended up sleeping on my shoulder.I coughed but she was asleep. I wanted to shake Julie awake, but I felt bad. I ended up letting her continue sleeping on my shoulder. Everything was finished cooking the moment Julie woke up again. Julie looked at me, then looked away as she pushed me away. Julie started apologizing repeatedly with a blushed face while I got up laughing. I sat back down and stopped laughing.

"So what do you want? I was able to catch some fish and a boar." She didn't answer all she did was stare at me.

I grabbed the fish and showed it to her. She didn't take it.

"You want a piece of the boar?" She shook her head and took the fish.

She tried taking a bit but she moved it away from her mouth and stuck out her tongue.

"Ow! It's hot," she said waving her hand at her tounge.

I laughed at her as she fanned her tongue with her mouth.

"Of course it is. It just finished cooking." I said, blowing on mine.

She started to blow onto hers, then took a bite out of it.

"It's good." Her face lit up and I smiled.

I took a bite out of mine and swallowed.

"Well I go wake up everyone else now. Don't be alarmed in what happens next." Julie nodded.

I took a deep breath.

Let's have a bit of fun, I smiled.

I woke everyone up using some of my bloodlust in a single go. The ground cracked a bit but everyone woke up.

"Where's the danger," Sophia yelled, getting up with her knife in hand.

"Don't worry about it you guys. It was just me. Now get up or the food is going to get cold." I said taking another bite of the fish.

I handed them each one a fish and a piece of the boar.

"It's excellent as always Asher," Oliver complimented.

I smiled and enjoyed the food. Once I finished I walked over to Julie's horse.

"Don't worry I didn't forget about you. Here something special for you." I took out an apple from my pouch and fed it to her.

Riel rubbed her face against mine. I gave her a pat on the head then I walked over to Skylark.

"So did you gain any info on the road ahead?" A red bird flew away and Skylark turned around.

"We're up for some heavy snowing ahead. It may be best if we leave soon." I nodded and waited for everyone to finish eating.

As soon as everyone finished we cleaned up and I called Storm. I pulled out an apple and gave it to him. He happily accepted it.

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