"I don't understand what your problem with me is! You don't even try to know me! You're either somewhere else in the country or giving me shit about something that doesn't even matter!" I let out, not even caring about the consequences.

She slaps me across the face for the second time in my life,"Don't you dare speak to me like that!" I grip my face in pain.

I scowl at her. But I know better than to explode more on her. I just need to go somewhere else.

"I'm leaving. I'll be back Monday before school." I make sure my phone is in my pocket and I walk out.

I hear her scream out my name as if I just set fire to an orphanage. But I don't care.

I'm not sure where I'm gonna stay for the whole weekend but I know where I'd like to stay. If not, I'll just find a nice bench in the park or something...

I call Amar.

"Hey baby what's up?" He asks, I could just hear the smile on his face. His smile is almost enough to cheer me up.

I already feel the tears building up in my eyes,"Amar can I stay with you over the weekend? My mom and I just got in another argument and... I- I just can't bother to be around her." I sniffle.

"You don't need to explain yourself honey. I have to ask my mom but I'm sure she'll be perfectly fine with it she's been wanting to meet you for a while." He states, his voice laced with concern.

The line goes quiet for a moment

"You can... where are you right now?"


"Okay, but where?"

"I- I don't know... I think I'm near the park." I stutter, trying to hold back sobs.

"I'll be there in a minute."

"Okay...Thank you." I sigh.

"Of course, anything. I'll see you soon."

"See you."

When the call ends my the tears start.

I can barely see where I'm walking with my vision blurred by salty tears. I give up on moving my feet and find myself sat on the curb my head in my hands, tears trailing down my face.

A silver car I've been in many times pulls up next to me. Someone comes and sits next to me and puts their arm around me and I immediately feel safe, I melt into their touch. They help me stand up and into the passenger seat.

The ride is silent. His hand is interlocked with mine over the center console, rubbing gently over my knuckles.

I've never been to his house before and I hate that I'm gonna be like this when I meet his mom.

As if reading my mind he talks,"I'll make sure my mom isn't too overbearing."

I nod, afraid that if I talk no sound will come out.

He pulls into the driveway of his nice, much smaller than mine, but nice nonetheless, house.

He squeezes my hand, "Ready?"

With a small nod I unbuckle myself and open the car door, which he does the same.

He opens the door for me and leads me to the couch.

"I'll be right back." He starts, kissing me on the forehead.

We walks off, and I start to hear muffled voices in the kitchen.

I wipe my tear stained face before looking around the living room. One wall had all of Amar's school photos on them and I can't help but swoon over the younger photos of him. His sweet smile and always unruly curly hair just made me overly giddy, kind of helping me forget the whole reason I'm here in the first place. His photos look mostly the same, aside from obvious aging things like teeth and baby fat. But his smiles stopped seeming as genuine in freshman year.

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