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I walk into my home carrying my bags,"Hey mom I'm home!" I shout. She comes out of her room and over to hug me.

"Hey baby!" She exclaims, reaching up to peck me on the forehead,"Oh dear what happened to you!?" She gestures to the marks and bruises on me.

"Oh yeah uh- haha, you know me! I can be clumsy. So, uh- 'course I had to go and uh- fall down the stairs!" Great save Amar...

She looks at me suspiciously. Please don't ask questions. Please don't ask questions!

"Hmm okay, Darlin" she decides not to push. Thank god! She pulls me into a hug,"How ya doin?"

I hug her back,"I'm doin great Mama." I smile looking down at her. My heart full to the brim with love for my mother.

She grabs my hands leading me to the couch,"Okay dear, now tell me all about the trip. Who was ya partner? Any relationship bloom with a boy or girl? Gimme all the details baby!" My mom is a sucker for gossip.

While I tell my mom most everything, she can't know all the details.

She knows about Adrian and his gang and how I've been treated by them in the past. So the anger she had when I told her that Adrian was my partner was through the roof.

"Gosh darn-it!" She yells, her accent from growing up in the south extra heavy now that she was riled up," The school should know about all that! But they still decide to put you and that no-good-snobby-little brat in the same damn room! I woulda given them a piece of my mind!"

"No no no no, Mama it's alright." I cut her off with a smile, a pink tint brushes my cheeks and she looks at me confused.

"He uh- he apologized, and we are-are kinda friends-ish, I guess that's what you could call it? Uh yeah." I smile at her.

She raises an eyebrow,"Friends huh? You sure?" She smirks.

My eyes widen,"Uh well-" I rub the back of my neck.

"Well I'll damned!" She playfully hits my shoulder.

"What- I- mom no!" I laugh turning redder by the second.

She crosses her arms,"Baby! No need to lie to your mama now!" She acts offended,"I know that face when I see it! You like him huh?"

I sigh leaning into the couch,"Yeah, I think so."

"Think so?" She looks at me sympathetically.

"Well I just- he bullied me! And-and I don't know...He- he likes me too-"

"Huh!? That lil homophobic jerk is a gay?" She cuts me off in shock.

I laugh,"Uh yeah, I guess so. It was just a lot of internalized homophobia I guess... since freshman year too."

"Nearly 4 years?"

I just nod.

"You gonna do anything about it? I mean he likes you and you sure do seem to like him?"

My eyes widen as I remember,"I asked him out."

"You did now?"

I bite my lip trying to hold back a smile,"I did." I nod.

"What's the plan?"

"Huh?"I don't have a plan. I take a sharp breath,"Shit" I whisper.

"Amar!" My mom scolds.

"Mom! I'm 18." I laugh rolling my eyes.

She stares at me with a playful glare.

I put my hands up in surrender,"Sorry! Sorry."

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