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I enter the bus next day, my eyes immediately drawn to the green ones that I could recognize anywhere. The few seconds it takes me to enter the bus and find a seat his eyes don't leave mine. He is telling me a story, a story I can not seem to read. His gaze conveys something of panic, pain, desire and a bit of betrayal. Although I don't get how he can feel betrayed. You ask me to text you after staying friends with the assholes who nearly killed me and flirted with a girl in front of me and on purpose. If you can do that, you can talk to me in person.

I frown, narrowing my eyes then break our eye contact as I sit down in my seat.

- - -

All throughout my 1st period class, I find my eyes drawn to him. Of course, he was always staring back.

His stare was begging, his stare felt like a cry for help, and I wanted nothing more than to go over to him and hold him. But I can't do that to myself. If he needs to talk to me he will do it himself.

After 1st and 2nd period passes, I'm headed to the library, walking down the empty hallway. As I walk by a door it swings open, a skinny hand grasps my wrist and pulls me into a room. A crowded, small room. Not even a room. The shock of it caused me to let out a scream, another hand shoots over my mouth. The fucking janitor's closet-wait what the fuck am I doing in here. Who is-

Bright green eyes staring up at me cause my thoughts to come to a halt.

His hand slowly comes off of my mouth. He looks extremely nervous and on edge, but he also has a pleasing look in his eyes.

"Adrian what the fu-" I start, only for his hand to recover my mouth.

He shushes me. Rude.

"Sorry I had to do this but your stubborn ass wouldn't text me." He whispers annoyed, taking his hand from my mouth.

I scoff,"Well excuse me! I'm sorry I didn't want to text the boy that is still friends with two guys that want to fucking kill me, and who flirted with a girl in front of me just to make me jealous!" I whisper yell.

He lets out a deep sigh, leaning back against the wall,"Amar look I'm really sorry," I give him a pointed look, "I am! But I just... I have to."

"What the fuck to you mean have to!"

"They forced me to." He utters looking down, as if I know what the fuck he means.

I stare at him confused and angry.

"I- look," he starts,"At the bus stop, Monday, they basically told me that if I don't stay away from you and stick with them they're gonna...tell my parents that I'm gay, and 'won't hesitate to finish what they started'" his voice shaky towards the end. Using his fingers to quote their words. He runs a nervous hand through his hair. My heart drops.

My gaze softens,"Adrian-"

"Amar I'm really sorry but I can't have you get hurt because of me again!" He cries. I gently place my arms around him and he clutches on to my shirt like his life depends on it,"I can't! I can't I can't!" He bawls.

I start brushing my fingers through his hair,"Shh it's alright...it's okay." I comfort even though I know it probably is not.

"No- no it's not! I don't even care if my parents get told! I don't care if I have to live on the streets! I don't care! I don't care!" He cries even harder. His voice muffed, while he wails into my shoulder," You're the only thing that matters to me! You can't get hurt again! You can't!"

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