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When it came time to get on the bus we stand against the wall with our "buddy".

"Hey you forgot one of your bags" Adrian mumbled to me. I stare at him for a second. Was he really helping me. He has really nice eyes-wait no shut the fuck up Amar. I walk back to my desk and grab my small bag.

I walk back over to him and raise my eyebrows, "Uh thanks."

"Yeah whatever. If your gonna be my partner I don't want you to look like the loser you are." He laughed

I hit him with my shoulder, "Shut up." he pushes me back, and we stare each other down, glaring daggers into each other's souls. He clears his throat awkwardly and turns away following the rest of the class. I reluctantly follow

On the bus we sit in the back seat. I sit by the window.

"Move it. I want the window."

I smirk and mock a crying baby, revenge from earlier.

He rolls his eyes but he also smiles as he sits down. He stares at me with furrowed brows, so I copy his expression but over exaggerated, we both laugh at each other, then stop as we realize who we are laughing with. I scratch the back of my head and look out the window. He turns bright red, clears his throat, and looks down at his t-shirt.

An hour goes by on bus ride, I'm leaned against the window using my backpack as a pillow listening to some music when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look over to see Adrian looking at me. I lift up my hands to say what . I read his lips, "Take out your air pod." I act like I can't hear what he said, I look at him confused and point to my air pod. He frowns and yanks it from my ear, "I'm bored... What are you listening to? Something gay I presume? Lady Gaga?"

"Bro what the fuck is your problem," I retorted reaching for my airpod as Lady Gaga's Born this way starts playing in my ear, "yes Lady Gaga." I say defeated.

He laughed and put the air pod in his ear and his smile fades, "Oh shit you're serious" I nodded back to him, he just laughed. I just looked away from him hiding my face in my hand.

"Here," he says handing my air pod back to me, "Sorry for being so homophobic, my big brothers gay and trans, and he uh makes jokes like that all the time." He stops for a moment to run his hand nervously through his blond hair,"I forget it's not cool to make jokes like that as a um... a straight person..." His voice fades. I look at him in utter shock. Did this man really just apologize TO ME!

"Uh um, yeah i-it's ok I guess, just don't make jokes like that anymore" I laugh awkwardly. I cannot believe he just apologized to me, who is this guy this is not Adrian the asshole I know, " I cannot believe you just apologized to me."

"Hey I'm trying to be nice don't make me regret that" he smirks.

I laugh and lay my head back down on my bag with Lady Gaga in my ear, "no matter gay straight or bi..." I drift off to sleep.


My eyes slowly open an hour later, a ray of sun hits me in the face so I rub my eyes, I turn to see a head of fluffy blonde hair laying on my shoulder. My hand basically teleports to my mouth and my heart stops, I look around to see almost everyone sleeping or on their phones. I feel my face get hot. Are those butterfly's in my stomach? No. No this probably just means I'm so repulsed by him that Im gonna throw up, yep that's it... He has nice hair. Shut up. I go back to sleep.

Around 8:00pm the bus comes to a stop at our hotel I've been up for half an our and Adrian is still asleep on my shoulder, I gently move my shoulder to wake him, he doesn't. I move my arm again, but harder, "Bro wake up." I whisper to him. He wakes up with a start and wipes his face, I look at my shoulder. Haha he drools in his sleep, he's too cute no he's a fucking loser and drooling is gross.

"Oh shit sorry, I uh feel asleep" he looks down and his face turns the color of a fire truck.

"Its alright. My shoulder comfy at least?" I joke with him.

He looks at me clearly embarrassed, " Shut up." and rolls his eyes trying to be Mr. Cool Guy.

We get off the bus and head to our rooms, as doors open we hear people groaning and complaining. Ugh the rooms must suck. We look at each other when we get to the room shrug and open the door.

One bed.


dun dun dunnnn...

Uh yeah lol, so does that mean they gonna have to share a bed? Is someone sleeping on the floor? Switching? Oh wait that's a question for another time... Anyways. Hope y'all enjoyed Amar realizing that Adrian might not be so bad. Could they be friends? Votes and comments are appreciated. Muah muah muah I love you!

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