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After I buy us both of us a pair of skates to use I walk over to where Adrian is sitting.

I hand him the skates and he takes them with a nervous smile.

Once we both get our skates on I stand up and skate around the bench we sat on to get used to having wheels on my feet. I skate closer to him and reach out my hand,"Come on."

He puts his hand in mine and slowly stands up.

The moment he stands his feet start to slip and he stumbles into me. I catch him by placing my hands around his waist. His face is pressed to my chest and he is holding on to me for dear life,"Fucking shit." He mutters angrily.

"Hey you got this." I encourage.

I help him regain his balance and once he can finally stand without falling our hands find each other again.

I start to skate backwards holding both of his hands and he lets out a shriek as he gets pulled along with me.

"Adrian you have to pick up your feet." I chuckle.

"Fuck no! I might die!" He overreacts.

"Oh shush stop being a such a drama queen!" I let go of his hands, and his feet stay still but his arms wave around so he doesn't fall. I start gliding around him,"You've just got to step... and glide."

He pouts while making grabby hands,"Not without your help."

I skate back over to him and take his hands in mine once again.

"Okay now step..." he takes a step,"and glide." He does, with the help of me pulling him,"Yeah that's it Baby!"

We continue to do that for a few minutes until he seems to have it.

"Look at that, you got it!" I praise when he seems to barely need to hold me anymore. He blushes and grins at me.

I let go of one of his hands, he wobbles a bit but steadies himself again.

We get to the actual skating floor and after I step onto the rink I warn him,"Hey, the rink floor is a lot more slippery than carpet but that shouldn't change much."

He nods taking a step on the floor.

The second his skate touches the floor he slips and falls on his back.

Still holding my hand. He reaches for the nearest object:


So naturally I was pulled down with him.

We both grunt as our chest collide.

"Shit, baby are you okay!" I ask trying not to laugh.

He lets out a pained laugh,"Yeah." It sounded forced, like he had the wind knocked out of him.

I push myself off his chest, my knee dangerously close to a certain spot on him. My arms just above his shoulders, I'm looking down at him. Deja vu. I bite my lip remembering the events in the hotel.

I smirk,"Hey not the first time we've been in this position huh?"

His face turns beet red, but he rolls his eyes with a hint of a smile and shoves me off of him.

We use the wall on the rink to stand up.

"You good?" I ask him again.

He laughs awkwardly,"Uh yeah."

I grab his hand in mine and lace our fingers together,"Ready?"

He takes a deep breath,"I think so."

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