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Dinner was so awkward. I tried to act normal but having 2 people who knew my deepest secret and who could and would use it against me at anytime is horrifying. Not only that but I still had to pretend to be their best friend. I wanted nothing more than to text Amar as an escape. God I hope he comes over tomorrow.

"Bye bye boys! Be safe and don't get in too much trouble!" My mom waves, slurring her speech as all 3 moms had a little too much wine to drink, and our dads, beers.

Adam forcefully grabs my arm and tugs me towards the door, "Oh of course Mrs. Rodgers we will be on our best of behavior." He confirms sickeningly sweet. How I wish I could punch that stupid smile off of his face.

I tear my arm from his grasp. He glowers down at me, both boys standing easily at 6'3, tower over me, gaining too much power over my 5'8 self.

I let myself into Carson's back seat as they sit in the front 2 seats.

"Adrian you're fucking lucky you're coming with us tonight or else everyone would know your little secret." Carson threatens with a disgusted look.

I cross my arms sinking into my seat more, "Yeah whatever."

"You better do what we say. Or else-" Adam starts.

"Jesus! Fuck, Adam I get it!" I raise my voice, already sick and tired of their bullshit.

He whips his head around sending me a glare, "Don't fucking talk to us like that you fairy!"

"K." I knew it was time to be quiet.   I don't even want to know what might happen if they found out I was still seeing Amar.

- - -

I knew this wouldn't be just going out, I knew we wouldn't be doing something teens should be doing. We pull up to Alison Mayer's house, tons of cars are parked all around it. Of course they dragged my gay ass to a party. I'll just deny the drinks as they come to me.

I walk in behind the 2 of them a drink immediately being passed to me. I shake my head pushing the hand away.

Adam kicks in, "He'll take it." He grabs the red solo cup and shoves it to me.

I simply glare at him knowing there is nothing else I could do.

I reluctantly allow the drink to meet my lips. My throat is immediately met with the burning sensation of straight vodka. I wince.

"Jesus!" I cough out.

"Finish it."

I nod and do what Adam orders me to. My throat continues to burn.

More and more drinks are forced my way, and each time I reluctantly take it.

I maneuver myself through sweaty teenagers grinding on each other while loud rap music blares through the speakers, threatening to make me go deaf. I finally reach a bathroom where I hide and lock the door. My head pounding and heart beating rapidly. My stomach churning.

I lean against the wall for a few minutes, feeling better not being surrounded by drunk kids. I wish Amar was here. I walk to the kitchen and get myself some water, before more shots are forced down my throat.

I feel a little bit lost. My vision is wonky and my brain feels like mush.

"Truth or dare upstairs!" Some one yells over the loud ass music. A firm hand grabs my wrist. I drunkenly follow where Carson is dragging me.

We enter a room where we sit in a circle of boys and girls all of us drunk out of our minds.

I'm sitting there zoning out, I could pass out if it wasn't so damn loud in here.

i hate u | bxb Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora