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I walk into the lunch room after spending my free period with Adrian. An idiotic smile plastered on my face.

Jane gives me a look as I sit down.

"What?" I ask trying not to sound guilty.

She shakes her head and shrugs,"Nothing... What'd you do during your free period?" She smirks.

Well she knows. It takes all I've got not to roll my eyes.

"I was just uh- hangin' out... by the library." Which wasn't a lie, I mean the janitors closet is right by the library.

She leans onto her hands,"Oh yeah? That's cool... with anyone?" she smiles knowingly.

I glare at her playfully, but I continue to play along,"No one." I answer smugly.

"Oh that's his name now, I thought it was Adri-"

"Oh shut up Jane!" I laugh.

She laughs as well.

As I calm down I begin to eat my lunch.

"So what did y'all do?"

I smirk,"We were just...studying."

"Studying what?" She points to her neck, where it's clear that hickeys were on me,"Each other?"

I almost choke of the food I was eating. I never expect her to make dirty jokes like that.

I laugh,"I guess you could say that, but we had to stop." I pout.

"Oh no!" She exclaims sarcastically, placing her hand over her heart,"Now why's that?"

"That type of studying is better done out of school, and we may or may not pick back up on it later." I smile, feeling my face get red.

She gasps, getting rid of the sarcastic front,"Oh! Exciting!" She pauses for a minute,"Is that all your gonna do?" She teases.

"Oh my god! Jane! No! I mean I don't think so. It's a date so I figure he's gonna do something before- or if- we get to that."

She chuckles,"I mean based off your neck you probably will... jeez that boy is like a vampire!"

I touch my neck, face blushing.

"Yeah I guess he is..."

Great now everyone is gonna know I made out with someone during school... holy shit my mom is gonna see the hickeys.

- - -

I walk in to my house after a long day of patiently impatiently waiting for school to end so I can get ready for 7.

"Hey Mama? Can I use the car tonight?"

She walks out of her bedroom,"Oooh! Someone gonna spend time with his mans?"

I chuckle,"Yeah, his house at 7."

She comes into view and her eyes immediately shoot to my neck,"Looks like you already did...Really Amar, in school!?"

Called it.

"I- Mom, it was during our free period!" There's really no lying to her. I try to escape the conversation by rushing into the kitchen.

She follows.

"Amar baby. If you're gonna be at his house- Alone at that, please be safe."

"Mom, it's not like I'm gonna set his house on fire." I laugh at her worries.

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