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All day Amar spent wondering what Adrian meant by "later." That boy has been taking over his mind lately, and he just can't complain.

On the other hand Adrian feels perfectly normal, great even. Having Amar on his mind wasn't a new thing.

During the free period he has just before lunch, that he also knows Amar has, he speed walks down the hallway by the library and slips into a small crowded room, no not room- closet, and waits till the guy on his thoughts comes walking by.

Amar comes walking around the corner, oblivious to what's about to happen.

For the second time Amar gets tugged into the janitors closet and lets out shriek.

"Adrian! You can just text me to meet you in here, instead of scaring the shit out of me!" He whisper yells, his words may sound angry, but he definitely had a smile on his face.

Trying to calm down his laughing fit, Adrian responds, "Nah... this is more fun!"

"You're stupid." Amar points out, trying to put his arms around Adrian.

"Fine." The blonde one fake pouts,"No more date." and pushes his boyfriend away, acting immature.

Amar pulls him back and holds him tight, rocking him back and forth,"No no no...I'm sorry baby..." he coos.

Adrian try's to hide his smile, he really does. But when it comes to Amar being goofy and sweet like this, he really really can't.

"I'm so sorry how can I ever be forgiven?"

Adrian looks up making a kissy face,"Kiss."

Amar smirks and grabs his chin, pressing a light kiss to his lips. Adrian frowns,"What was that?"

Amar innocently asks, "What was what? That was a kiss."

"Kiss!" Adrian whines.


Amar grabs Adrian's waist and tugs him in for a better kiss. Being in a janitors closet made it that much more romantic. Amar leans back against the wall holding both himself and Adrian up. Adrian wraps his arms around Amar laying his head on his chest.

"I wish we could be like this in public." His muffed voice sighs.

Amar kisses the top of his head,"What's the worst that could happen?"

"You could get hurt."

"I wouldn't care as long as I've got you." Amar states seriously.

"Shut up. You're being sappy and gross." But Adrian really didn't want him to shut up.

"Oh you know you love it!" Amar squeezes him tighter.

"Yeah whatever." He mumbles,"Not only could you get hurt but my parents would probably kick me out."

"I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind letting you stay with us till we moved out for college or whatever."

"Amar I couldn't stay with you guys." He whispers sadly.

"Really! I know my mom would be more than happy to."

"It's not that..."

"What is it then?"

He sighs heavily, "When they kicked my brother out he went to live with his boyfriend at the time...Our parents sued his parents 'for kidnapping their babygirl' and won because they payed more money, even though he was 18 and could make his own decisions just like me. But... they've got money and power so they won."

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